Does anyone know how the WTS came up with the term "pioneer" and the related "auxiliary" and "special" pioneer terms?
It's not in the Bible and it seems to come from US expansionist history...
by Ding 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Does anyone know how the WTS came up with the term "pioneer" and the related "auxiliary" and "special" pioneer terms?
It's not in the Bible and it seems to come from US expansionist history...
They are to pave the way and the rest follow their example/lead.
Thing is that the way was paved a long time ago.
Territories are not new, anymore.
They are worked and re-worked.
I wondered why they use that term anymore, too.
It doesn't seem to fit.
Doesn't auxiliary mean part time assistants, or something?
It seems to mean that given the context of its use.
Special PI just means that there are few of them and that makes those few very special.
The average publisher who does 10 hours in the ministry accomplishes just as much and sometimes more than the regular pioneer who puts in 70 hours a month. Quite the trailblazers they are, those regular pioneers.
they are called pioneers .. because their lifestyle, customs and thinking come from pioneer days .. a la 1800s
they use the term 'auxiliary' because their primary brains have to be shut down for teh aux to kick in ..
and special .. think snl church-lady
''Pioneers'' sounds better than ''OFFICIAL TIME WASTERS''.
Because there must be special labels placed on those that choose to do extra hours so that all can publicly acknowledge their work.
The sister I had for a FS partner today was bugging me to be a pioneer during my retirement- like that was something great,
"Is that what you have planned for retirement- being a pioneer?" she asked me
"No, I told her, I was thinking about being a volunteer in a soup kitchen "= that was the end of that subject
My first thought was that you could have said, "I'm planning to volunteer at the soup kitchen run by my congregation."
My thinking was that you would have left her speechless.
On second thought, she would have known right away that you were an imposter.
where do they justify the set [pioneer etc ] hours comming from. FF