I was looking through some old photographs the other day,my wife and I are not that organised with photo`s,we have boxes of them that we never put in albums,and we have been married nearing 50 years ,so you can imagine we have a few.In the early 60`s when I was converted their was an article in a watchtower dealing with the clergys involvement with nazi germany during world war 2 .Being newly converted I had some long discussions with my brother inlaw,who was a catholic, about religion.So when this magazine came out I wrote to the branch office in strathfield enquiring whether I could obtain the photos proving this.Not long after I received 4 photo`s from the branch office in strathfield providing this evidence.At the time I didn`t think to much about it.But now 50 years later I think why would they give a newly baptised person this? (I know they would look for any opportunity to bag catholics then and now ) I have the original envelope from strathfield to me but the postage stamp is missing however the return adress is clearly identifiable.On the back of the photo`s is some information presumably in german and english translation.1.New years reception by Hitler 2.Hitler greets Lutheran reichs Bishop Muller,3.Papstliche Gcandte nuutius vasallo di fowegrossa( Papal representative)4.On return of saar to germany R.C.Bishops von trier and speyer giving nazi salute.Has anybody else ever had a similar experience,being given documents from the society,that years down the track ,think,why would they?