This was my first memorial thinking outside of the box. Last year I was starting to have questions but this is the first year I noticed a lot of BS. Can anyone clarify a few things for me?
What exactly is the point of the "great crowd" passing around the bread and wine, it seemed very symbolic and almost pointless when I watched everyone pass it around.
My biggest question that hit me was Jesus last supper, those that ate the bread and drank the wine with him were anointed. They also passed the emblems around. The drinking and eating only applies to the anointed but the passing of the emblems also applies to the great crowd? How could they differentiate the two? How did they come to the conclusion that the great crowd could pass and touch the emblems but they could not drink them. If we followed the logic that only the anointed could drink and eat of them since they were all anointed around Jesus, wouldn't it make sense that only the anointed could pass the emblems?
According to the talk last night it was only anointed around Jesus, that is why they partook. If anyone was around them at the time that was of the great crowd they would not partake. How did they figure out that if the great crowd was with Jesus they would only pass them around and not partake? I feel like if you follow their logic only the anointed should eat and drink and ONLY the anointed should pass them too.
The passing of them seemed very idolizing to me. They had to make sure that every single person touched the emblems. Like touching them was somehow important and vital. I can't help but feeling that maybe Jesus meant to continue remembering what he did and the importance of it. Who knows, I sure don't.