In recent years the assemblies started to feature a new kind of demonstration on stage: the soliloquy, where inner thoughts and reasonings of the character are uttered aloud for the benefit of the audience. Usually the plot is something like this:
1. the character (a brother, a sister, a youngster) starts with indulging in a selfish/materialistic/unspiritual thought/plan
2. reminds bible principles which run counter to his thought/plan
3. comes to his senses
4. makes the "right" decision (happy ending)
It's kind of a self-sheperding call.
It's true soliloquy is (has been) "a device often used in drama" (see, but the authors of the script not being Shakespeare and the actors not being Sir Laurence Olivier makes it kind of weird.
How do you feel about soliloquies at the assemblies?