I've been going to the hall every since I was little, but I've never been baptized. I was a publisher, but I stepped down because I had sex with my boyfriend back in the day. I've noticed that people act kind of coy toward me since I'm not baptized, and they treat other people like this too. Why is that?
Why do baptized dubs treat unbaptized dubs like outcast?
by Joliette 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Because you don't love Jehovah. If you did, you would recognize his chosen organization and get baptized signalling to all in attendance that you love him and his chosen organization. Plus the fact that you had sex with your boyfriend, you're probably damaged goods in some of the publisher's eyes. You're a fornicator, and unbaptized, so you're worse of a sinner than they are, and spiritually weak to boot.
I don't agree with all of that, but thats how dubs think.
They were the same way toward me even after I was baptized and pioneering™. Many considered me to be "questionable association" because I had a colourful "worldly" past. They were happy enough to use my "experience", most of which they fabricated, as an example on assembly programs, but associating with me socially was unthinkable.
Oh wow...lol. Love your sarcasm. Sadly a lot of witnesses still think like that, in this day and age with the internet and all the info thats out there.
It wouldn't be like that, if you were a well known professional like a a doctor, business owner, etc. I have seen the JWs really kiss up to them- they give them plenty of leeway- hoping they will finally join them. They get invited to JW gatherings and parties, too.
It wouldn't be like that, if you were a well known professional like a a doctor, business owner, etc. I have seen the JWs really kiss up to them- they give them plenty of leeway- hoping they will finally join them. They get invited to JW gatherings and parties, too.
Having a big house and a swimming pool in the backyard helps too. JWs love pool parties.
So sad and true @ the above statements.
I had a car which was used a lot in field circus and I was invited everywhere by everyone!
Because you should have been baptised by now....duh!
The reason being is you're not truly accepted as a JW until you are dunked and the elders and everyone else realises that you are.
I was a born JW that didn't get baptised even though I gave talks and went out in service.
The youths my age that were in my Hall did get baptised @ 15, 16 17 years old, but I didn't because I started to
develop doubts around that time ( 1975 ). In retrospect I'm glad I didn't.
There is a defined class system within every Congregation, where the elders are seen as the highest ranked of course,
followed down by MS, pioneers, publishers and so on.
Over time its known within the congregation who's baptised and who's not.
The BP JWS tend to sway a little bit away from the unbaptized ones, in this organised classed system.