If i never agree to meet them, can they still df me if they knew i was doing something they condemn?
Can I be df'd even if I never meet with the elders?
by ele_lux 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes. If you are invited to Judicial Comittees, but keep refusing to come, they can decide to DF you in abstentia.
:( should have guessed....
But I think you can also avoid it. If you live on your own, you can make it know it is your property and they are not welcome. Do not respond to any of their contact. If they know you are doing something against their religion, do they have proof, or just heresay? Again, you can do the legal threatening thing, which I think is pretty smart and will definitely do if I am confronted anymore by elders.
They can do anything they want.
In theory, if you refuse to attend the JC meeting, they can act based on the evidence and testimony that is available to them. If they believe there is sufficient evidence to disfellowship, then they will do so. Since a JC meeting is not normally called without some sort of prima facie case for disfellowshipping, most committees will see that as being sufficient. Your refusal to show up just adds fuel to the fire, since if you were repentant, you would undoubtedly want to be there to receive "help" [translation: "browbeating"] from the elders.
I hate to be a bearer of bad news, but with the new Elder's book they have added the new offense of "brazen conduct" which is pretty much a catch all for any offense that there is no clear definition of...I am sure that refusing to meet with the JC could fall under that heading.
I'm sure they'll be calling on me shortly to meet. I'll refuse because there's no point. They are going to disfellowship me anyways, why take an earbeating?
http://www.tsrforum.ch/tp/thread-327147-pourquoi-expulse http://www.tsrforum.ch/tp/thread-327147-pourquoi-expulse
Le 13 novembre 2010 à 7:43 #327237Répondre
La raison pour laquelle on m'a expulsé (par téléphone) c'est parce que je suis rentré à faire partie d'une ong spécialisée dans la médiation (OIMG.ORG) et ceci au niveau professionnel car m'étais occupé du site.
…. tu es un menteur. Tu a été expulsé par téléphone car tu n'allais plus aux réunions et tu refusais tout dialogue. Comment veux-tu que l'on communique avec des personnes qui se rendent invisibles et inatteignables. L'OMG.ORG étai peut-être la goutte moins grave qui a fait déborder le vase
Following a TV transmission on JW, a forum has followed, where excited JW replied to my son, one of them (must have been the young elder who investigated on him) states the reason why they ‘had’ to expel him:
I Translate: “…you are a liar. You have been expelled by telephone because you were not attending the meetings and you were refusing to talk to us. How do you thins, we can communicate with people who become invisible and not reacheable? The fact that you were part of a OMG ORG (an organization acting as mediator in PEACE talk….) was the drop which overflaw the bucket…."
So, he has been disfellowshipped because of….a drop, and 'in absentia'!!!!