Placing a label on someone means they don't have to deal with their own issues. There are people in this world who feel a need to elevate themselves by pushing others down.
This is what I've seen in the JWs I know.
by Pitchess Co-Gen 17 Replies latest jw experiences
Placing a label on someone means they don't have to deal with their own issues. There are people in this world who feel a need to elevate themselves by pushing others down.
This is what I've seen in the JWs I know.
Labeling things is just a by-product of making judgments. The main focus of the religion is Judgment Day. And then that scripture that says "hate what Jehovah hates" reverberates through the back of their indoctrinated little heads all the time. Jesus said not to judge but the Bible as a whole contradicts itself on this. Elsewhere we are told that Satan rules and runs everything, and just about anybody could be a wolf in sheeps clothing. So, automatically, anyone who doesn't believe the Watchtower's dogma is labeled, negatively of course.
It's a real negative way to live, keeps one in fear all the time. Pretty much a guarantee of not making the ascension to a fourth-density earth. So ironically, if the JW's don't wake up, THEY will be the ones to wither away and die, while a "great crowd" of others who have a sincere love and concern for the well-being of every human being, regardless of their beliefs, will thrive under the new energies that will be governing the earth.
Its the nature of Religion to label people as Believer vs Non-Believer, Saved vs Non-Saved. Those who are in good standing in a Church and those who are So so.
A label is a way to judge people. There are various degrees of "spirituality" associated with different labels. The prime is the pio-sneer that went to Beth Hell and, for men, is reaching out to be (or is already) a hounder. They have different labels to quantify these--and they have to do with how much time you waste in field circus per month and how much work you are doing for the witlesses. To get a "higher" label, you have to give up more regular things and devote more time to the cancer.
They have negative labels as well (no surprise). Anyone that makes a mistake is shamed. They reprove such a person, and they think it has to do with sex. This takes away the opportunity to get those "higher" labels, as well as shaming a person. Supposedly, by being a model witless, such a person can "earn" the "privilege" of a better label--but, even if the hounders officially give them one, the congregation is as likely to disregard it. You messed up once, you are going to mess up again. And supposing the second "mess up" has to do with participating in the holidays at work, or smoking once, or questioning the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger on a blatant discrepancy between their doctrine and the Bible or another doctrine, or someone seeing them working the lottery machine as part of their job and snitching. Even though the hounders know the real deal, everyone is going to assume that it is another sex "offense(??)". And, dorkhood follows.
Touche', OutLaw
From what I have read and seen this "labeling" behavior of jw's is very much along the line of what the nazi's did to the Jews during WW2.
The higher ranking people in the nazi party created a process for labeling people that they believed were inferior so that the nazi main objectives could be met.
The rank and file party members and general population would now have a so called "justified" method to treat people that the nazi's did not like.
jw's follow this same mindset in labeling people who do not accept their teachings 100%.
This belief can be seen in many governments, today, but the jw's are one of the few religions that fervently believe that they are the only ones that have God's approval.
If you have a problem with that thought you are labeled according to your situation, and generally that is a bad thing.
(I recently took a history class in which we spent a great amount of time on this subject, the simularities really amazed me) .
Thanks guys, I now realise why the nice JW's had to start spreading lying rumours about me. they could not label me "Apostate" , although I was and am, but I have not been DF'd. so cannot be considered one by the Elders.
They could not label me spiritually weak, they knew from my being in the past one of the most active preachers, D to D , in the streets and markets and at many times when no other Dub was out, I was there annoying the public. Right up until I left I would answer and explain scripture during meetings , often with a hidden barb, but most missed the point. I seemed though to be a strong believer in the scriptures.
So what to do ? It couldn't possibly be that something was wrong with the religion, I was the " least one" as far as gathering wealth, furthering a career or seeking prominence or power.
So they resorted to things like "he has left to start his own religion " LOL !!!!!
They now just let everyone know in the KH that I am "dangerous", so I do not get called on.
Dangerous Wobble, doesn't sound right, but as labels go, it's not too bad.