to stay with my husband while he has a defibulator installed in his heart. He was just transferred there this afternoon, and my stepson will be driving me up there tomorrow. It must be a nice hospital, because they have valet parking, a consierge, and a sofa bed and big screen tv in his room. I'm allowed to stay with him. I forgot to ask if they have wireless internet service, but I would imagine they do. I'll post some more if they do.
I'm going to the Cleveland Clinic
by jamiebowers 14 Replies latest jw friends
The Cleveland Clinic is one of the finest hospitals in the country, your husband is in good hands. I hope everything goes well with his health and for you.
AK - Jeff
Someone told me that they have seven restaurants inside too. Sounds more like a resort.
Hope all goes well for your husband there.
Wishing the best for your husband Jamie! My thoughts are with you guys.
Take good care of yourself too!
Sending love,
Broken Promises
All the best for your husband, and may you have the strength to endure this stressful time.
Jamie, I hope your husband comes through this with flying colors. Let him know we are thinking of him. Hop to hear from you soon with good news.
I am so sorry you have been through this ordeal, I am praying for you both and wish a full recovery for your hubby, sending you love and best wishes.
I forgot to ask if they have wireless internet service, but I would imagine they do.
I doubt it- cell phones operate in the same frequency bands and hospitals prohibit them as they can interfere with medical equipment.
Peace to you, dear Jamie... and to your dear husband! As dear Will (peace to you!) stated, I did some research awhile back (on endocrinology) and the Cleveland Clinic is world renowned and supposedly one of the best (top 3-5 for certain things) in the country! Sounds like your husband is in good hands.
A slave of Christ,
from my personal experience, cell phones do work outside the rooms in the hallways. i will find out if they interfere (good INFO FROM MOSHE, thanks) before i use them again.