Hidden Messages from the WT

by cameo-d 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cameo-d

    I am thinking that the gaudy headband either ties in to some mythological god or goddess....

    or maybe it relates to some of that junky costume jewelry worn by the "Potentates" in Secret Societies.

    Could it be that the Secret Societies have infiltrated governments from low ranks to high and have some plan to bring about their agenda internally?

  • clarity

    The only thing I can see is, he looks like Guy Pierce with a Santa beard stuck on.....maybe he's trying for head honcho of the gb!

  • cameo-d

    Dutch Scientist: The text is now in Dutch in english version it is stated: The destruction of Satan’s wicked system will make Christ’s presence manifest

    Does this not sound like they are trying to make or cause something happen rather than events progressing "naturally" or "in God's timing"?

    "destruction...will make .... manifest".....does it not seem they are attempting to bring it about on their own?

  • sabastious
    1. Who does this figure represent?

    That is Jesus exacting his vengeance on his creation that went awry after he gave them free will and they decided not to follow him.


  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    The depiction is Jehovah destroying the wicked worldly systems made by man. It's pretty simple, actually.

    In JW theology, Jehovah and Jesus are two different beings. Jesus isn't usually depicted with a white beard, nor is there any indication in scripture that Jesus would come wearing a crown of thorns. In his return, which will be in Jerusalem, he will be wearing garments dyed in red: "And it shall be said: Who is this that cometh down from God in heaven with dyed garments; yea, from the regions which are not known, clothed in his glorious apparel, traveling in the greatness of his strength? And he shall say: I am he who spake in righteousness, mighty to save. And the Lord shall be red in his apparel, and his garments like him that treadeth in the wine-vat. And so great shall be the glory of his presence that the sun shall hide his face in shame, and the moon shall withhold its light, and the stars shall be hurled from their places. And his voice shall be heard: I have trodden the wine-press alone, and have brought judgment upon all people; and none were with me; and I have trampled them in my fury, and I did tread upon them in mine anger, and their blood have I sprinkled upon my garments, and stained all my raiment; for this was the day of vengeance which was in my heart."

    The Lord will destroy the wicked in his coming, and this is a typical depictiion of the wicked being destroyed.

    I don't know whether the Witnesses do all their art in-house or whether it's farmed out. The figure seems to be based on that of the Greek god, Zeus, who holds the fate of all mortals in his hands.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    I knew there was something odd about this art. The fellow speaking at the podium seems to be President Obama. Clearly the Jah-figure seems to be based on the pagan depictions of the Greek god Zeus. I thought such pagan depictions were frowned upon, but I could be wrong. This first image is of Zeus' crown. The second (inset) is Zeus destroying his enemies. (Note the smoke ascending into heaven, denoting complete destruction. Note, too, the smoke in the JW image, also ascending. Coincidence?)

    The Watchtower seems to use pagan imagery a lot.


  • sd-7

    There's no hidden message here: it really could be interpreted, especially in this time period, as an overtly anti-American or even anti-government statement in pictorial form. But hey, whatever.

    The bottom line is, everyone reading this doesn't have much longer to live. You suckers are going straight to Gehenna, and that's a one-way trip. Hope you packed your fire-resistant clothes, because you won't last long in the flames that will never be put out. You're goin' to the garbage heap. You know how in Toy Story 3, the toys were about to be incinerated, but they got rescued by The Claw? Well, you're not going to be rescued by The Claw. You're done. D.O.A. D.V.D. = Dead. Very. Dead. You're a Platinum member of the D.V.D. Club. Your card, sir. Goodbye, Mister Bond!

    And so on...

    I actually thought he looked more like...I don't know...maybe a CG-enhanced Malcolm McDowell or Donald Sutherland, if I take my glasses off.

    Message is clear: HI, I'M JESUS. DIE, REST OF HUMANITY, DIE. DIE......

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Jesus isn't usually depicted with a white beard

    Yeah, but JW-WT-Historically speaking Jesus' kingdom reign is getting pretty long in the tooth. Back in the 1950s Jesus didn't even have a beard AT ALL. They he was portrayed as having neatly trimmed dark hair and a beard. Now, almost 100 years after he supposedly became king and selected the Borg to run his operations here on earth, his hair is bound to have grayed a bit, hasn't it?

    It is a psychological ploy by the Borg artists to show the long-time rank and file that yeah, you're not the only ones getting old and gray waiting for "Satan's system" to be destroyed.

  • wannabefree

    Jesus isn't usually depicted with a white beard

    (Revelation 1:14) . . .Moreover, his head and his hair were white as white wool, as snow. . .

  • cameo-d

    Cold Steel, I hope you don't believe that WT theology you just quoted. Those writers are delusional, and as always, way off in what it really means.

    "In his return, which will be in Jerusalem, he will be wearing garments dyed in red:"

    Jesus does not wear red. Red is a color belonging to whores, traitors, and massacres. Who does wear red? Who does claim to be standing in for Jesus?

    The Pope claims to be the representative of Jesus on earth.... BUT

    In the broadest sense, a vicar (pronounced /'v?k?r/; from the Latinvicarius) is a representative, anyone acting "in the person of" or agent for a superior.
    The Pope uses the title Vicarius Christi, meaning, the vicar of JesusChrist. The papacy first used this title in the 8th century; earlier they used the title vicar of Saint Peter or vicarius principis apostolorum, the vicar of the chief of the apostles.

    But, the "vicar" is not just the pope. This word has come to have much broader terms. It could also describe those who by legal authority extending from the Pope claim to speak on behalf of God's will in any religion. I suppose the WT's invisible FDS could even be considered a vicar in this context. And since we know the FDS does not have names or faces, we can pretty much assume it not a tangible entity but is rather a figment of someone's imagination just to see how gulliable all their mind puppets really are. I suppose that the GB may consider themselves "vicars" as they purpose to speak on behalf of some god that responds to seances and channelling. And yes, the legal authority of the WT does come from Rome. It comes from the shadow powers behind the Pope which is the "Crown". (The Crown is not the Queen, btw.)

    The color red symbolizes the harlot. How can we equate "the harlot" with the Watch Tower organization? A harlot takes your money and gives you a ride. Need I say more?

    The color red symbolizes the traitor. How can we equate "the traitor" with the Watch Tower organization? Do you suppose that the organizers have sold out their fellow man to psych experiments? Have they fooled you into believing something and then changed the story? Do they attempt to make you think you heard it wrong the first time? ( denial of1975 ring any bells?) Could the JWs be part of elaborate psychological experimentations and prototype conditioning for the intended future of mankind at the hand of psychopaths?

    The color red symbolizes bloodshed by way of death and massacre. How can we equate "bloodshed" with the WatchTower organization? Haven't most of you been pronounced 'dead' to your friends and families through the shunning policy of WT? Haven't most of you experienced this 'death' at the hands of this organization? Have the righteous and truthful not had stones thrown at them for daring to speak out?

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