How come witnesses can seem to be very friendly to the uninformed worldlies?

by dgp 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    "Love bombing" is a tactic quite typical of all cults, when they are dealing with potential recruits.

    To the JWs, this would include all "Worldly" people - hence their going out of the way to appear to be nice and friendly.

    In my own case, I first heard glowing reports from my grandparents about how "happy and friendly" these Jehovahs Witnesses were. Then certainly, my initial impressions were similar.

    It is only later - when you have missed a few meetings, or the "Hours" column of your Field Service Report looks a bit lean - that you discover how superficial this "friendliness" can be.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    It's a bit of a two-edged sword for JWs.

    While it may appear to be a "friendship", it's very conditional. The worldly "friend" is always to be viewed as a potential convert, so the JW is always conscious to put his best face forward.

    However, if the "friend" shows negativity towards the JW's choice of religion, then he may lose that conditional friendship.

    So the JW can never have real friendships with non-JWs without the pressure of converting their friend. Or, if they are friends in the truest sense, then the JW is going against the dictates of the WTS and thus is showing disloyalty towards their God.

  • ziddina
    "How come Witnesses can seem to be very friendly to the uninformed worldlies???"

    'Cause the worldlies ARE "uninformed"!!!

    Well, those who haven't looked up "Jehovah's Witnesses" on the Internet, at least...

    Those are the 'suckers' that the Watchtower Society is seeking...

    It's also a case of the individual Jehovah's Witnesses putting on a 'false face' to show the worldlie how "happy" they are...

    Also known as "Theocratic Warfare"....

    [just kidding!! ] "Theocratic Warfare" involves deliberate, conscious LYING to "worldly" authorities and other worldly people...


  • ziddina
    "What is actually causing the shell-shocked look then?"

    Cognitive dissonance, sexual repression, repressed feelings of being taken advantage of, deep concern that "Armageddon" won't come during his lifetime - and this is a YOUNG man, feelings of being 'left behind' career- and financial-security-wise....

    By the way, that 'bleeping' noise you hear throughout the video??? That's a "B.S." detector, going off....



    "How come some Witnesses can have relationships"..

    "That seem like Friendships,to the Uninformed?"..,1208959857,2/stock-photo-senior-man-fishing-by-a-bridge-enjoying-retirement-11844607.jpg

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • ziddina



    What you doin' up so late, man???

    Yeah, the JWs are 'fishing' for suckers - er, future Jehovah's Witnesses - by being 'nice' to worldlies...


  • dgp

    Black Sheep wrote:

    They're just taught that you are led astray by Satan and God's gonna kill ya and that if they're not careful Satan will use you to trap them too.

    OK, so Jehovah's witnesses don't hate us worldlies. It appears that they are simply maintaining some sort of quarantine, to prevent you from giving them the same disease you have. For my purposes, it's pretty much the same thing.

    I suppose that some witness, some where, might feel a true friendship for someone out. For those who don't, I wonder how they can deal with themselves at night. The answer seems to be "Oh, I'm just being theocratic".

  • jws

    If a JW has worldly friends or is friendly to them, maybe that's their escape to a normal life.

    As a young JW, I had worldly friends. They were always closer to me than JW ones. For one, I saw them a lot more (at school, in the neighborhood, etc). There were no JWs at my elementary or junior high schools and we lived a long way from other JW children. I only saw the JW friends at meetings and maybe Saturday field service. Occasionally we'd go do something, but they lived so far away, it didn't happen often.

    With non-JW friends, I could be myself. I wasn't always on guard as to what I might do or say.

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