Elders' Authority - Flock Book

by berrygerry 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DwainBowman

    I love this one! How many times over the years have I heard, that if one has commited sin's, they HAD to be reported, and handled. Then they pointed out that there's no was to make up for, or pay for these sin's, without elder involvement. Pioneering, going out in fs for long hours, doing everything for the org one can do, won't restore God's favor! Unless your an elder or above, then you can work off the sin.

    I once knew a sister that had pioneered for 20+ years, and after one of these talks, she went andconfessed. It had been years since she had messed up, and it only happens once. In the mean time, she had a number of studies progress to baptism, and always had many studies. She was dfed for two years. They told her, because she was a pioneer, and hiud the sin for so long, her punishment, had to be heavy, to be a warning to others! She was reinstated, but never recovered!

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    So let me get this right. If an elder molests a 9 year old and doesn't get caught right away and 3 years elapse and finally 11 or 12 year old confesses to the body that elder so and so molested me and when confronted the elder admits to doing this say 4 times but the child is asked if anybody know and responds no and the elder has been faithful in his duties and nobody knows except a few people he can remain as an elder.

    This is why they have such a big problem with lawsuits they have elders who are child molesters with the Corporations blessing but if he has doubts about the organization it is immediate disfellowshipping.

  • _Morpheus
    People.... Relax. The book says nothing about covering pedophile for 3 years and getting away with it
  • leaving_quietly

    From the Flock book. Bold and italics theirs.

    19. If it comes to light or an appointed
    brother confesses that he has committed a dis-
    fellowshipping offense years in the past
    : The
    body of elders may determine he can continue to
    serve if the following is true: The immorality or other
    serious wrongdoing occurred more than a few years
    ago, and he is genuinely repentant, recognizing that
    he should have come forward immediately when he
    sinned. (Perhaps he has even confessed to his sin,
    seeking help with his guilty conscience.) He has been
    serving faithfully for many years, has evidence of
    God’s blessing, and has the respect of the congrega-

    20. If the sin occurred before he was appointed as
    an elder or a ministerial servant, the elders will need
    to take into consideration the fact that he should
    have mentioned this possible impediment to his be-
    ing qualified when elders interviewed him just prior
    to announcing his appointment. Moreover, the na-
    ture of the sin may reflect greatly on his qualifica-
    tions to serve. For example, the sin may involve past
    child abuse, and this would likely disqualify him for
    many years.—w97 1/1 pp. 26-29; w77 pp. 697-698.

    21. If the wrongdoing occurred within the past few
    years while he was serving
    as an elder or a ministerial
    servant, he is disqualified from serving as such, not
    being “free from accusation.” (1 Tim. 3:2, 10; Titus 1:
    6, 7) Depending on the circumstances, the situation
    may also need to be handled by a judicial committee.
    —See 5:43-44.

  • DesirousOfChange

    They can't afford to lose Elders.

    Plus it would appear like the Holy Spirit didn't know this person was hiding secret sins.

    It's all about appearance.


  • _Morpheus
    What doc said ^^^
  • DwainBowman

    How many is a few. I always heard it defined as between 3 to 7. The Dictionary's vary, More than 1 and less than a dozen!

    And when it comes to elders, you never know how they would determine it to be. Plus you have to factor in, if the elder in question, is really liked by all the others, if not, his goose would be cooked!!!

    I believe most bodies of elders would can, child molesters!

  • BluesBrother

    Re Elders authority :

    Wt 2007 4/1 p30
    16 At times, an elder may not do things as directed by the faithful slave class and its Governing Body. If he continues acting this way, he will have to render an account to Jehovah, “the shepherd and overseer of [our] souls.” (1 Peter 2:25) But any failure or mistakes on the part of certain elders would not justify an insubordinate attitude on our part. Jehovah does not bless disobedience and rebellion.
  • berrygerry

    The KS does NOT specifiy 3 years. I will pull the quote and paste but its something about a significant period of time

    There is a subsequent letter to BOE that clarifies what is "more than a few years ago."

    Child abuse would probably not be absolved that simply.

    "evidence of God’s blessing" is not clarified.

  • OnTheWayOut

    All elders know that in Watchtower language, "a few years" means 3 minimum but allows for the elders to determine that more time is needed if the members still whisper about the man's deeds that got him removed.

    "Is the person willing to meet with a committee, thus admitting accountability to the Christian congregation?"

    There's one the Watchtower hoped the members would never read. So if an inactive member is not willing to meet, they are not accountable and the elders can drop the matter, but if he is willing to meet, then he could be pursued judicially. The answer is simple. DO NOT AGREE TO MEET!!!

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