Does the WT distribute to those in need? Think layoffs, no more unemployment checks, foreclosures

by truthseeker 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    The WT claims to be like the original christians of the first century.

    If that is true, then it would be obvious to all that they follow the examples given in these two scriptures below:

    Acts 2:45 "They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need."

    Acts 4:35 "There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need.

    Do you know of anyone who fell on hard times, especially during this recession, who directly benefited from Kingdom Hall general funds? Is it difficult to get material assistance from the congregation?

    I have heard of brothers (New Jersey) who lost their jobs and had their homes foreclosed on. Some moved in with family/friends.

    I am sure some of the friends will lose their unemployment checks; how will they manage? Will the WT distribute to those in need?

  • james_woods

    I watched the Watchtower Society attempt to REPOSSES A KINGDOM HALL in Kingfisher, Oklahoma when this little congregation got behind on the payments.

    Several congregations in Oklahoma City had to come up with funds to catch them up.

    This is how the WTBTS treats people in need.

  • CuriousButterfly

    No and they CONTINUE to ask the for $ to give to an organization that is worth billions. Greedy...

  • miseryloveselders

    He that does not work, does not eat......even if he can't find work.

  • sir82

    Wait - you expect money to flow out of the WT and into the pockets of its followers?

    Sorry Charlie - that's about as one-way a street as it is possible to be.

  • LV101

    is there someone out there who can do some writing to the big hitter newspapers about how the w/tower operates --- steals from the poor and lets them go hungry when they're down and out. ahhh, big business.

    since crooklyn won't pay attn. to us --- maybe they'll at least read the newspapers.


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Any Witness in need financial assistance needs to send a written request to the charitable branch of the Watchtower. Be sure to include the acronym for the department's name "F.U." in the address on the envelope.

  • sir82
    steals from the poor


    Why, brother, don't you know? All work is supported by voluntary donations!

    At least that's what the WT would say. And they would, unfortunately, be right.

    There are lots of way, way WAY bigger fish to fry than the WTS when it comes to separating the gullible from their money.

    They are far from having a monopoly on that market.

  • AGuest

    (Shaking head) May you all have peace!

    This just gets to you, doesn't it? Attempting to repossess kingdom halls. As if that's not bad enough. But doing so after loaning (ON INTEREST, which is UNSCRIPTURAL!!), money that the congregations themselves donated? The congo donates to the Building Fund, which LOANS money to build the Hall. Can someone say LOAN SHARK... USURY?? Well, since the funds ARE "donated"... means given willingly... means...

    I remember when they had us donate to build a new Assembly Hall in American Canyon, Calif. Folks donated for YEARS. Then, one day it was announced that the project was being scrapped because the development fees were prohibitive. One brother had the cahones to ask for his money back ("I mean, since you're not building what I donated to after all"). I cannot say for certain but I heard he was DF'd for making a stink about it.

    I did hear of one elderly "sister" (and my source is credible!) who gave part of her husband death benefits to the WTBTS. Later, when she became destitute, she asked for some of it back. You can imagine the jaw-dropping that resulted. But... she persisted. Did it pay off? Well, she never received a dime... but she was DF'd. Can't say that she got the bad end of that stick.

    And the farce goes on. Why? Because... the people "are loving it."

    Too bad... too bad...

    Again, peace to you all!

    A slave of Christ,


  • sir82
    loaning (ON INTEREST, which is UNSCRIPTURAL!!)

    FYI, they stopped charging interest about 2 or 3 years ago. All loans are now 0% interest.

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