Explaining Biblical Contradictions Away!

by AK - Jeff 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BurnTheShips

    Which first? Man then beast? Or beast then man? This one is only 25 verses into the HOLY BOOK for heaven's sake!

    The differences between the two Genesis accounts are plain and obvious, and yet....the original compilers had no problem with putting them next to each other. Even they had to have noticed the difference, especially when you consider that it was all hand copied at the time.

    Let's say that 2 people go to a football game and sit on opposite sides of the field. After the game, these two people write short accounts of what happened. You would probably get different stories.

    This would be especially true if one of them wrote with an emphasis on the sequence of events while the other didn’t think the sequence was important.

    If we read their accounts, we might say that they contradicted one another, but in fact, both accounts could be accurate if taken in and of themselves.

    They are just written from different perspectives.


    There are no mistakes in the original Bible . Even if the translations may have some mistakes it is very difficult to prove there are mistakes in the translations of the Bible.

    God Yahweh created the world in evolutionary order which is the most logical way .

    What we read in Genesis 2 underscores superiority of man over other created living creatures .The first is man and then the animals.

    If you have doubts call Harold Camping on his Open Forum program and ask him about if there are contradictions in the Bible and give him one example and you will see how this old man of 89 answers intelligently on this subject.


  • Rydor

    I always laugh to myself when people, in attemping to explain away Bible contradictions chalk it up to a "copyist error." Well guess what? A copyist error is still error! Error in a supposedly infallible book! Or would you have me believe that the God who went to so much trouble to inspire a book so vital to our salvation, didn't bother to preserve it free from corruption?

    It's true that for every contradiction you find in the Bible there's an eager apologist falling all over him/herself to show you why it's actually not contradictory. (The manner of Judas' death, for example.) But here's two that, for me at least, are indisputable:

    Matthew 27:9,10: "Then that which was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled: And they took the thiry pieces of silver, the price of the one whose price had been set by the sons of Israel; and they gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord directed me."

    But this is a quote from Zechariah, not Jeremiah. Nothing about "30 pieces of silver" is found in all of Jeremiah. Apologists like to reason that Matthew was partially quoting Jeremiah too in this passage, but the claim doesn't hold water. The closest reference is an account in Jeremiah 32 that speaks of Jeremiah buying a field at Anathoth for 17 shekels of silver (not thirty). However the context shows that this was to prophetically illustrate that, following the period of Babylonian captivity, "Houses and fields and vineyards will again be bought in this land." It had nothing to do with the burial of a betrayer. And it wasn't called the "Potter's field" either.

    The other one is found in the gospel of John. The three synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) all say that Jesus was crucified after eating the Passover with his disciples. (See Mark 14:14 for example.) But I was shocked to realize that in John's gospel, Jesus dies before the Passover meal, not after.

    In John 13 we see Jesus having a meal with his disciples, yet it is nowhere referred to as the Passover. In fact John 13:1 places this event "before the Feast of the Passover." Later on in chapter 19, Jesus is before Pilate. John 19:14 says "Now it was the day of preparation for the Passover; it was about the sixth hour. And he said to the Jews, 'Behold, your King!'" Yes, here we see Jesus executed on the "day of preparation for the Passover," that is to say, before the Passover had happened!

    At this point apologists will try to play word games to try and show how the phrase "day of preparation for the Passover" surely must mean something other than what a casual reading would suggest. But there's one other verse that, for me, is the clincher. If we back up a bit to John 18:28 we read: "Then they led Jesus from Caiphas into the Praetorium, and it was early; and they themselves did not enter into the Praetorium so that they would not be defiled, but might eat the Passover."

    To this I ask, "Why were the Jews worried about being unable to eat the Passover, when (according to the other three gospels) they supposedly ate it not twelve hours earlier?" It seems clear to me that, according to John, at the time of Jesus' death the Passover was a then-future event.

  • oldlightnewshite

    Rydor, the thing about the time of Jesus' death really shocked me when I read Bart Ehrman's book. For me, this was the final nail in the coffin as far as supposed bible inerrancy. I don't know how the writing department manage to write on this subject without thinking 'WTF?' The doctrine about the lamb of god taking away the sin of the world nearly didn't make it as doctrine!

    How can any christian really and honestly say that they're happy to live with an errant bible, and yet declare that Jehovah's creation is so ordered and precise as to make the DNA strand, with all its biological wonders. If Jehovah were real, he wouldn't have let his legacy to us be written and copied over the centuries in such a half-arsed, haphazard way. The intricate wonders of life truly ARE wonders. The bible was something that god scribbled out in 5 minutes whilst sat on the crapper.

  • designs

    Why is the Jesus of the Gospels trying to save Jews who are already saved. Why does the Jew 'Paul' of the Epistles show such ignorance of Judaism.

  • Leolaia

    Matthew 27:9,10: "Then that which was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled: And they took the thiry pieces of silver, the price of the one whose price had been set by the sons of Israel; and they gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord directed me."

    But this is a quote from Zechariah, not Jeremiah. Nothing about "30 pieces of silver" is found in all of Jeremiah. Apologists like to reason that Matthew was partially quoting Jeremiah too in this passage, but the claim doesn't hold water. The closest reference is an account in Jeremiah 32 that speaks of Jeremiah buying a field at Anathoth for 17 shekels of silver (not thirty). However the context shows that this was to prophetically illustrate that, following the period of Babylonian captivity, "Houses and fields and vineyards will again be bought in this land." It had nothing to do with the burial of a betrayer. And it wasn't called the "Potter's field" either.

    Rydor.....I think you'll like this thread where I tackle this topic:


    In short: "Essentially the author has conflated two separate readings of Zechariah 11:13 and combined them with a few motifs from Jeremiah 18-19 and 32, freely rewrote the whole thing as a Jeremianic prophecy, and then claimed that the event happened in order to fulfill this prophecy that the author of Matthew composed years later."

  • Sapphy

    OBVES "There are no mistakes in the original Bible".

    We don't have the original Bible, so that's an unproveable assertion.

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    BurnTheShips - Regarding the creation accounts in Genesis 1 and 2 you still can't say that there are no differences, if I said that I am Tom then I said I am Dick who am I? Which one?

    in Hebrew the wording and writing style are different, also both chapters use different names for God.

    So Are animals created before humans?

    Are plants created before humans or afterward?

    Is “man” the first living creature to be created or the last?

    Is woman created at the same time as man or separately?

    Even within each story there are problems: if “light” was created on the first day of creation in Genesis 1, how is it that the sun, moon, and stars were not created until the fourth day? Where was the light coming from, if not the sun, moon, and stars? And how could there be an “evening and morning” on each of the fi rst three days if there was no sun?

    I have heard the reasoning before, the ESV study bible and the Macquarie bible dictionary try to buff all these issues but involves a lot of human reasoning and blind faith to the point that we can't let the bible speak for itself.


    Gen 1:25 - And organisms began to form in the warm swamps on earth. They grew and multiplied and behold they evolved into creatures. In time they sough land and evolved further. To keep warm they grew hair and feather and became mammals.

    Gen 1:26 - The mammals evolved still further and started to walk on their hind legs. They became clever and became human. As humans became too clever for their own good they became bored and started to live in their imagination. They dreamed up the concept of a god. As they had never seen or hear a god they decided he must be invisible.

    Gen 1:27 - They begat many sons and daughters who became greedy and fought each other. They blamed all their problems on the god they had invented. Soon they had many gods to blame for their greed and selfishness. When they showed love to one another, they also attributed this their gods.

    The True Bible

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    @Gladiator - Now THAT is a translation worth actually reading!


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