Note Jehovah's Witnesses don't make any predictions by setting forth dates as far as I know.
Absolutely 100% certain the Day of Doom will not take place on April ,5,2011 .Any date set forth must be well based on the Bible and explained in a logical consistent way .
Go to http:// how Harold Camping explains May,21,2011 as a day Jesus will return and the Judgement Day will begin and will last 153 days to October 21,2011 .
Camping's declaration is pretty scary to some people just tune to Open Forum alive by Harold Camping.
Yet , Jehovah's Witnessesa even if they don't predict any specific date are in awesomely good position . I am using theit timeline of Biblical history and pull them in into the endtime process the way they should be considered.
Their beliefs are very good as compared to many other christian religions.
http://www.focusonthebible . See there Jehovah's views count a lot in our times as they fit in into the endtime true christianity.
The dates that are linked to them or their predecessors: the International Bible Students count .