Tell Old School Friends That You've Left?

by Englishman 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Some of the UK National newspapers have been referring to the web-site at, where thousands and thousands of Brits have been getting back in touch with old school friends.

    Just out of curiosity I decided to take a peek. Well, I was stunned. Many long-forgotten class-mates had my mind leaping back to the early 60’s, particularly when they mentioned the weird nicknames that we had given to our teachers.

    The French master, Froggy Fleuriot, Mousy McLaughlan with his rats teeth, Bummer Burrell – well, I will leave that one to your imagination. All very influential figures in my minds-eye. Then I wondered how they would remember me. Then it hit me.

    They would all think of me as that Jehovah’s witness kid. the kid who didn’t play sport or swear or go into the assembly hall or celebrate Christmas or look up the girl’s skirts or or or…..lot’s of “ors”!

    So I decided that this situation needed rectifying! I paid my fiver which gave me email access to my long-lost colleagues, and contacted all who were registered. I gave them a potted history of my life so far and concluded by saying: “You may remember me as a Jehovah’s witness. I’m not any more! In fact I am extremely pro-active in assisting people out of this damaging cult”.

    I received replies from everyone that I contacted. One guy even told me that his parents had forbidden him to associate with me because of my JW beliefs. All in all, I was astounded at the friendliness of the replies.

    Now, a few days on, I feel a lifting of spirit for having done this, I have a sense of having put something right in my life.

    What do you think? Are you tempted to do the same?


    ..From the scepter'd Isle kept free by 2 fins and 4 Merlins.

  • moneypenny

    Yes Englishman

    Friendsreunited is a great favourite with my family too.

  • VeniceIT

    I have been tempted but I guess I'm too cheap haha it's $20 over here. I have been in contact with one school friend and he's been blown away by all this. I would have tried to look more up if I was still back home. It's kinda far all this way. I've also noticed that none of the people I really liked have signed up on that thing hahhaha ohh well. I would like to get in touch with them all though, I think it'd be great for them to know I'm not a JW 'cause there were a ton of JW's at school, maybe they could help them out. And then they'd realize I'm just a normal person, hmmm ok maybe that wouldn't work too well. Perhaps I should rethink the whole thing hmmm.



    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • closer2fine
    closer2fine is a pretty good one. You don't have to pay the $$ - but you don't get email addys if you don't.

    I was contacted by a classmate. I called her and started out with a great conversation, she asked if I was still a JW. I said no! And briefly explained why. She said that was too bad, she was now one & hoped we could be friends. OUCH!!


    Solid stone is just sand and water, baby
    Sand and water, and a million years gone by - beth nielsen chapman

  • VeniceIT

    OHHHHH Closer I'm sorry just our luck eh!!!!


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • Martini

    Hi E_man,

    Makes alot of sense to me. I suppose for some returning to earlier years perhaps prior to having joined this cult is a natural progression in exiting. I now live far from those I grew up and went to school with before joining this religious racket and snare. Alas these are the very terms I will be using when I do meet up with some of these long time friends. To think some of these very people were at least trying to help me see through the brainwashing. Horrible.

    Anyway I agree with you Englishman there is nothing to be ashamed of.. we were hood-winked and we fell for it,but now we as are free, shout it from the house tops I say...SHOUT!


  • sleepy

    Flipping hell E man.
    I cant believe it.Thanks for post this as I've never heard of it.
    I've just seen listed friends of mind i havent seen for years.
    I can't wait to contact some.

  • KenUK

    Hi e/man,

    'tis a small world - I've paid my fiver too and last week met three of my former schoolmates back in Newcastle. (I've also corresponded with @8 others too). I'd already let them know I was now an exjw and they confirmed (! - like I needed reminding), jw baiting was a fun extra for many at school! Whilst the school had assembly I and other zealous jw's (about 10 of us) conducted the day text....!!!

    We also discovered we enjoyed drinking too... a boozy evening enjoyed by all, hic.


  • ballistic

    ok here's ballistic's tip of the day...

    Join for free and in your notation put your email address with the word AT instead of @...i.e. contact me on BRIANBALLISTIC AT AOL.COM.

    This way, your email address isn't filtered and you don't have to pay the 5 quid.

    I'm in touch with some of my school friends this way!!!

  • Lindy

    I rectified it years ago when I went to a class reunion. I became involved in planning the next two. What a great group of people they are, and some are now friends. They always liked me in school anyway, but wondered why I couldn't do the things they did. I was such a wall-flower then to begin with. It was nice though, for me to tell them and get that out of the way, and for them to accept me so readily into their fold. We have shared some nice times since.

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