DNA uses a base 4 alphabet composed of the 4 nucleobases. End of story. Show me published peer reviewed scientific literature from a respectable journal that lends any credence whatsoever to that gobbledygook posted above. I speak to leading scientists on a frequent basis whose research is DNA and cellular biology. What you have linked to here is misleading bullshit.
Sitchen? Give me a break. Whatever nuggets of verifiable information that there may be in this article are buried under a mountain of bullshit.
Duodecimal (Base 12) Number System
Base 12 number system gets lots of google hits. Big fricking deal. These number systems get lots of hits too, we must be moving towards "full disclosure." 
Decimal (Base 10) Number System
Sexagesimal (Base 60) Number System
Binary (Base 2) Number System
Octal (Base 8) Number System
Hexagesimal (Base 16) Number System
Any first year math student could tell you that there are an infinite number of bases. Where is Bohm?
Really? Show me Dr. Pjotr Garjajev's curriculum vitae. It doesn't turn up anywhere. I am not ruling out that there may be some undiscovered quantum chemistry going on, but this source is full of unproven, unverified data...quackery.
Lookie here, it's Peter Gariav getting debunked for being a pseudoscientific quack!’S-WAVE-GENETICS-THEORY-DEBUNKED
This is all pathological science.
Pathological science is the process in science in which "people are tricked into false results ... by subjective effects, wishful thinking or threshold interactions". [1] [2] The term was first used by Irving Langmuir, Nobel Prize-winning chemist, during a 1953 colloquium at the Knolls Research Laboratory. Langmuir said a pathological science is an area of research that simply will not "go away" —long after it was given up on as 'false' by the majority of scientists in the field. He called pathological science "the science of things that aren't so". [3]
Bart Simon lists it among practices pretending to be science: "categories [.. such as ..] pseudoscience, amateur science, deviant or fraudulent science, bad science, junk science, and popular science [..] pathological science, cargo-cult science, and voodoo science ..". [4] Examples of pathological science may include Martian "canals", N-rays, polywater, water memory, and cold fusion. The theories and conclusions behind all of these examples are currently rejected by the majority of scientists, with only a tiny number of exceptions.