McDonalds Prohibited?

by DakotaRed 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • BQE

    NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! My gawd, where would all the poor jdubs go on Sat. mornings??? How would they now log their time??

  • Amazing

    I can fore go the Big Mac, but they had better leave my Pizza and Beer alone.

  • NeonMadman
    I remember an exJW telling me that there was a time when she wasn't allowed to eat certain candy bars that contained lecithin. Her mom read the labels. I have no idea why lecithin would have been forbidden.

    The reason is that blood contains lecithin, and there was a rumor going around among the JW's for a while to the effect that lecithin in all food products that contained it came from blood. That's nonsense, of course, lecithin is available from other sources, and at much less cost than extracting it from blood!

    "The truth was obscure, too profound and too pure; to live it you had to explode." ---Bob Dylan

  • thinker

    I've always felt that the prohibitions placed on witnesses have more to do with time and money (rather than health or the bible). Anything that takes time or money away from the WT is bad; ie. tobacco, sports, school clubs, etc...
    McDonalds is cheap, so it's OK. That leaves more money to donate to the Org. It's fast so witnesses can spend more time in the field. Unless the WT is planning on opening a chain of fast food restaurants; then, of course, you'll see all other fast foods condemned. LOL.

  • Alleymom


    The reason is that blood contains lecithin, and there was a rumor going around among the JW's for a while to the effect that lecithin in all food products that contained it came from blood. That's nonsense, of course, lecithin is available from other sources, and at much less cost than extracting it from blood!
    Thanks for explaining! It sounds so goofy. Blood contains lecithin, so you couldn't eat lecithin. But blood contains iron, does that mean no iron-fortified cereals for breakfast? Hooray, no Bran Flakes, but bring on the Count Chocula with marshmallows! (Or is Count Chocula considered to be occult cereal?)


  • outnfree

    >>(Or is Count Chocula considered to be occult cereal?)

    You crack me up, Marjorie!


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • ozziepost

    Seems to me......

    ..... that what the heirarchy don't personally like, they ban!

    Alcohol: they like, so it's OK (many other cults don't allow it)

    Tobacco: they don't like, so....

    Certain 'intimate matters' : they don't like, so judicial committee for you!

    Beards: they don't like (neither do the Mormons)

    Moustaches: borderline, but at Australia Bethel they have been known to measure the length of an elder's mo!

    Etc. You can probably think of more things. Of course, it has nothing to do with the belief of Christianity, but everything to do with arbitrary human rules.


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • NeonMadman
    Thanks for explaining! It sounds so goofy. Blood contains lecithin, so you couldn't eat lecithin. But blood contains iron, does that mean no iron-fortified cereals for breakfast? Hooray, no Bran Flakes, but bring on the Count Chocula with marshmallows! (Or is Count Chocula considered to be occult cereal?)

    Without actually going to look it up, I think what you said is pretty close to the Society's reasoning when it cleared up the "lecithin question". The reasoning regarding iron, I mean.

    But, yes, I have known JW's who refused to let their kids eat Count Chocula...

    "The truth was obscure, too profound and too pure; to live it you had to explode." ---Bob Dylan

  • Englishman

    Just to spoil your day...

    Mac fries are coated in mineral dust similar to kaolin to keep 'em crisp. If you see Mac MILKshake, all well and good, if you see it advertised just as a "shake", its pure kaolin + flavouring.

    Which is why Mac food leaves you feeling like you've got a hangover.


    Hey! Now you are an outie, you can dance too!

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Very interesting indeed! I wonder if the WTBS will begin taking a look at foods to distract form other issues.

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