Designs... peace to you!
Aren't you just perpetuating another set of Beliefs just as unsupported as any other religious system.
No. There is a record. That you don't put store in the record is on you. Funny, though, you want me to put store in the "record" as to what you believe... or don't believe. Do I believe the record to be completely accurate and infallible? No. Which is why I have to rely on the Holy Spirit.
This whole notion that if you Believe and Practice x you get to go to Heaven or some other Reward and if you don't then its curtains is the core of all of these discussions as to the value of Religion in people's lives.
If that were the discussion, we could go into that. And I don't say we shouldn't (indeed, let's, but in another thread, if you've a mind to). But this was about telling someone "(1) we believe in a book and all that it says; (2) and its says such and so as to anyone; but (3) anyone doesn't mean anyone. It certainly doesn't me you." Which is evil. And a lie.
Now, if they said "(1) we believe there's a book that contains a great deal of what we believe, but (2) we know it's fallible so we don't rely fully on it or tell you to do so; rather, we look to another, more reliable source; however, (3) it does say such and so... and as to anyone; (4) and while that may or may not apply to you; (5) far be it from us to decide - you do what you feel you need to and no one [of us, at least] BETTER say anything about it or we will personally set them straight"... well, then, that would at least tell me that they at least not FALSE christs, but just imperfect humans like everyone else... and know that all they can really do is wait for it all to shake out...
Case in point was the funeral I attended yesterday in a Protestant church, and the question was raised- why did God give this man cancer and take him to Heaven. People can do quite well without that conundrum.
I would absolutely agree... and my position would be that these, too, are false christs (if they even considered themselves chosen at all) because (1) there is no place in the Bible that says God would do such a thing; indeed, what's written there is the contrary; and (2) the Holy Spirit would have told them absolutely different... that the Most Holy One of Israel is LIFE... and the God of the LIVING... and not Death... and the God of the dead. That Spirit would have also told them that the man wasn't taken to heaven, as no one has ascended to heaven, yet... at least in the manner they apparently believe... because none of the chosen (if he were in fact of that group) precede any others of the chosen... but all "enter" at the same time.
"Christianty" is divided and fragmented for one reason, dear designs: the great apostasy that was foretold to come. This apostasy is the manifest in the FALSE TEACHINGS that the Bible is the Word of God... versus Christ being that Word. By teaching this LIE... so many have misled so many others to listen to THEM... and their interpretations of what is contained in the Bible... which is NOT "scripture"... rather than listening to the One that the Hebrews, Israel... and the 1st century disciples... listen to. Christ, the Word of God.
The BELIEF... had ALWAYS been that God spoke to man; either directly, through His angels, through prophets, and... until that great apostasy... through Christ, His Word and Holy Spirit. Even the disciples didn't understand the "scriptures"... until HE "opened" them up to such ones. And even they taught to listen to Christ... and not to them.
This belief that the Bible is how we hear God, however, is false. It is ANTI-Christ. And the one who first perpetuated it... and those who follow such one... are anti-christs. It is how the world has been overshadowed, oppressed, and misled... by "christianity." Such "christianity" has led far more away from God and Christ than to them. If not by people's beliefs, then certainly by their works and actions.
TRUE christianity is not based on a religion, or a belief, or a doctrine, teaching... or organization... however. It is not because one recited a creed, took a vow, agreed to a set of beliefs, and/or got baptized in water. It is not based on one's choosing. TRUE christianity is based on BEING chosen... as a "holy vessel"... a place to "house" the spirit of God... by means of a baptism by "fire": which is baptism... with holy spirit! That spirit is poured out upon one... even into one... so that it fills one up. Thus, making one a "temple" of God. A place where God "dwells." It is done by UNdeserved kindness... and mercy... NOT because such one believes in a set of doctrines, or understands the writing in a book, or is kind/nice/gentle/meek... or can quote scripture backward and forward.
It is granted on one basis: faith. In the One who so grants it, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. Faith that allows one to hear... and, in some instances, see... that One. Not faith that says "maybe I hear," or "I think I hear," or "I really want to hear"... or "I wish I could hear, but others say I can't and I believe them." It is faith that says, "Yes, Lord, I hear you. I absolutely DO hear you... and what you have said... to ME." Regardless of what anyone else heard, did not hear... and/or believes/disbelieves what you [say you] heard.
Faith... is not a twin... to doubt. It is the OPPOSITE of doubt.
I hope this helps, dear designs. I understand that these things are difficult for some to grasp. Indeed, they are difficult for those who call themselves "christians." And so, like the Jews of my Lord's day in the flesh... those who did NOT possess God's holy spirit... they, too, seek to kill anyone who doesn't teach what they have always believed. With the exception of the covenant for a kingdom, what my Lord and his chosen were teaching at that time wasn't new or beyond what the Jews... who considered themselves "Israel"... had always believed and taught. It was absolutely the SAME things that a FAITHFUL Israel would have known. Had those who believed themselves to be "Israel" paid attention to the teachings and prophecies in their own belief system, they would not have been surprised at all. Indeed, some weren't... and so were called to be disciples.
The same is true today with the so-called "christians" who believe themselves to be "Israel." They are simply... and blindly... repeating the pattern of the Jews before them. They take issue with anyone who speaks or teaches something different from what they believe or teach... even if the "new" teaching isn't new at all, but goes BACK to the original teachings of Christ and his disciples. Simply because THEY never "heard" of it. They never HEARD, however... because they've been listening to the wrong ones! They shouldn't take issue with the messenger, however, but with those who have falsely and misleadingly taught them.
And they should humble themselves... and return to the love THEY had at first: of the truth. Which means, they should be seeking out, returning to, and listening to the One they CLAIM called them: Christ... God's only TRUTH. And no longer men (and women) who have little or no truth IN them.
Again, I bid you peace!
A slave of Christ... and NO other...