The write up on the AMW site is very damning to the JWs in my opinion . The article states he was able to molest girls over a 25 yr span ,and move among several congregations because of the "two witness" rule before a JC could be conveined . Elders knew of accusations yet no one in the congregation was warned .
America's Most Wanted profiles JW Elder Child Molester
by out4good3 12 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Send A wanted poster to Cong. in your area and bethel.
America,s most wanted JW (Child Molester) have you seen your Brother.
This is a good conversation starter with family that is still in,and it may get them to start thinking. I shared this with my mother who is a diehard Witness. But, this really upset her. And I even got in about the lawsuit settlements. I see the wheels turning.