Bookmarked and Searchable 1960 New Wrold Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures-PDF --------------------------------------------------- Here are the links to the entire set: 1950/51 1953 1955 1957 1958 1960 Atlantis!
1960 New World Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures--PDF!
by Atlantis 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
moggy lover
WOW! This completes the first attempt by the Watchtower to produce a Bible that said whatever they wanted it to say. It must have been a massive undertaking to transcribe every page into a pdf format for all of us. Just to let you know we appreciate the hard word.
For those interested in statistics:
1. All the six volumes collectively amount to a massive 3,792 pages of text.
2 Unique to this edition of the NW"T" is a word chain. There are over three hundred words that are cross linked throughout the five volumes of the Hebrew OT. For instance, if you look up Deut 32:41 you will see the first use of the word "adversary" in the text. Next to the word there is a symbol made up of a circle. In the margin, next to the circle, you will see a text telling you where the next occurence of this word occurs, which is Deut 33:7. And so on down the line. By looking up the circle symbol, you will be able to trace every occurence of the word in the OT. Page 425 of volume five of the OT lists every word in the English that is thus indexed.
3 There were some bugs that Freddy Franz had to iron out in later editions of the NW"T". For instance. how would one translate the Greek word "arche" at Rev 3:14? Freddy insisted that it should be "beginning" suggesting that Jesus was created.
Several evangelical translators felt that "origin" is a better translation here and pointed out that even Freddy acknowledged that. Evidently Franz was embarrassed by the fact that in the 1950 edition as shown in this series, he had translated "arche" at Jo 1:1 as "originally". Never again in all future editions of the NW"T" would "originally" occur!
4 Several footnotes would have to undergo excision or alteration. The footnote at Jo 8:58 notes that "it has been rendered in the perfect indefinite tense" despite the fact that several Watchtower apologists tried to prove that this non existent tense was actually valid, Franz finally gave up and altered the footnote in later editions.
This certainly brings back memories! Would you believe I still have all the six volumes bound together into one single tome which my mum gave me back in 1960! I was eighteen and full of vigour for the Watchtower. Half a century ago!
Moggy lover:
Thank you moggy! Thank you so much for all of the information you have posted on this subject. You certainly know the real history in regards to the WT. Great info!
I was wondering why it is ok to post a link to download this material that is copyrighted, and I posted a link to the new elder's book, and it got deleted for fear this site would be sued for copyright infringement? What's the difference?
moggy lover
As you suspected it is a question of copyright. Copyright protection for any given publication is presumed to last for a generation from the date of publication, which in this case was 1950. For legal reasons this protection is presumed to be for thirty years. Thus any publication of the Watchtower's made more than thirty years ago falls into what is termed the public domain, and can be accessed by the people for purposes of research.
Now there may be the situation where someone purchases the portal to publish that material after its expiry date, which purchase itself lasts for thirty years. This would mean that the publication has again moved into private property and is copyrighted. Sixty years after its initial publication date, it again falls into the public domain. To the best of my knowledge no one has purchased the publication rights to the first edition of the NWT.
The new elder's book is a sore problem. It is after all copyrighted, and is still the intellectual property of the Watchtower society till at least 2040. After that it is fair game for all.
Again, great work, Atlantis! Thank you for making this historic set available for researchers!
Thanks Atlantis.
Marvin Shilmer
Howdy, Atlantis!
If nothing else, it can be rightly said that you are the mother of all scan artists!
Marvin Shilmer:
Thank you so much for your kind words! And many more files are yet to come. I may need to make special arrangements for the EM's and just send the download link to folks who want them in their private message folder. The EM's are the ones published before the 1991 edition. We will see!
Mr. Atlantis.
Excellent work!
I always appreciate your work.