Oddly enough....The Governing Body don't make the policies; the policies make the Governing Body!
How can I say that?
Think of it this way...
The Economy is every transaction, asset and liability within our country which is inside a greater context of the World Markets.
Each family has their little piece of the greater pie: debts, savings, purchases, credit-you name it.
But--get this--NOBODY is in charge of the economy. Nobody RUNS it. Nowhere in the world is some Dr.No deciding what happens.
However, EVERYBODY is reacting to it. Those with political power (Presidents) try their ideas with the same zeal as the housewife clipping coupons is trying hers. NEITHER of them runs the economy. IT IS GREATER than any scheme, plan, transaction or ideology!
The Economy is a medium...a context...an enviorment without control! In its elusive way: the ECONOMY controls those within it.
Now, apply the same thought to the Governing Body. The ETHOS of christian/biblical belief is like the Economy; it is bigger than any persons, preachers, conclaves, denominations or religion--but, it affects all of them and they react with their own set of ideas.
The Governing Body has their VIEW of what must be done just as the 12 apostles of the Mormon church or the cardinals in the Catholic Church--yet, NONE OF THESE INDIVIDUAL GROUPS can operate unilaterally to CHANGE things!
It is bigger than all of them because it is a Universal system of inter-connected beliefs ACTING as a greater reality!
When a policy gets changed by the Pope (such as contraceptives being okay for prostitutes) it is a response to an ever growing awareness (mainly through critics) that deaths due to aids and abortions due to unwanted pregnancy are the DIRECT RESULT of Catholic bans on contraception.
When the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses makes the "Millions now living will never Die/Generations" change in "understanding" it is do to critical backwash and a tightening sense of unprovability. They are REACTING to outside forces not creating forces from within.
When the Mormon leaders approved blacks for the priesthood it was a reaction to public censure holding them up to ridicule and not an internally generated autonomy of purpose at work.
What does all this mean?
Religion is a MEDIUM like water and the believers/leaders are the fish swiming in specific schools within an ecosystem of enormous magnitude.
These giant schools of fish turn this way and that AS THOUGH they were an entity instead of hundreds of individual fish. Yet, they have no leaders!
Thei responses are dictated by the effluent moment to moment contexts of life and death within that medium.
So too, with religions and believers and leader and lay persons.
The Governing Body does not make the policies; the polices make the Governing Body.