Just about everyone in the hall my husband attends is deleting their Facebook Account. He just cam back from a MS meeting. What's the deal?
New Facebook Rule for JWs?
by wifeofjw 32 Replies latest jw friends
I've heard the opposite, that appointed men are encouraged to get an account so they know what they're dealing with
That's the latest boogie man in JW land. Social Networking sites, that and romantic vampire movies, oh yeah, almost forgot! Education is the big big bad again! But yeah, at the Circuit Assembly, social networking sets are bad news.
I think the internet social networking 'rule' is dependant on the congregation elders. I've heard 3 versions of it:
1) No FB, MySpace etc. Delete your accounts.
2) Elders are on FB as well as pioneers etc.
3) FB is okay but don't have worldly or DF'd 'friends' or I will 'unfriend' you.
I'm serious too.
I tried to tell my daughter that she couldn't have a facebook account and I reasoned with her about it being a social networking site like myspace. She answered back with two of the elders in the hall being on facebook, I verified it and couldn't argue with that. (this was before I started frequenting this place)
I think the internet social networking 'rule' is dependant on the congregation elders.
Yea, I think it's a localized thing. If a congregation is conservative, the "rules" on using FB are going to be stricter. In more liberal congregations, FB is probably a normal and everyday thing to them.
I know dub elders and pioneers that are on FB.
It's funny to see how more zealous dubs react to less zealous dubs. I saw it this weekend. A dub posted something completely innocent...except in the paranoid JW world. After a couple of negative posts from other dubs, he had to go back and change his attachment/link.
One dub I know posts daily, all kinds of silly things. And they were checking in at so many bars and night spots that I was beginning to wonder if maybe they were inactive and learning to live as a faded JW. My hopes were dashed though when they checked in at the local coliseum...for the assembly. And then they posted crap they "learned" that day from the sessions.
I've heard the opposite, that appointed men are encouraged to get an account so they know what they're dealing with
My MIL was asking about facebook the Sunday after Thanksgiving when she noticed one of my wife's friends using it with her cell phone at our lunch. She basically said that she wanted to know what the whole thing was all about.
My hubby said they were told "Social Media" had no spiritual value. Also, the only satan can work thru Facebook.
He was told this at the special elder's meeting...or at a regular Kingdom hall meeting?
I think he was at a MS meeting? It was alll day on Sunday.