I think this brief synopsis is worth thinking about, particularly on this forum, where emotions run high, opinions are hard-won and sometimes fought for with great intensity.
ON THE OTHER HAND: Debate is essential to thinking ability and working through one's viewpoint, and eventually owning your opinion. The key is remembering that you are only owning an opinion - not something written in stone.
I think deep down on both sides of the 'God debate' most people just want to live in peace. Unfortunately that is superseded by our strong feelings and opinions about the other side. Most of the time we do get along . It's only when we wear our opinions on our sleeves that we are reminded of our dislike and distrust of those who we disagree with.
Most Atheists want freedom of religion, but also believe that religion is a sham and a detriment to individual freedom. We also hold a great deal of anger towards religion's attempt to influence politics and science.
To a believer, a non-believer is someone who chooses to live a life without a greater purpose. We are foolish not to live by the word and rules of God and even more so to question them. They see Atheists as trying to re-interpret the laws as anti-religious and re-write our religious history and heritage.
Only in a secular society can both sides seem to cooperate and endure friendships. The more society sways towards one side or the other, whether promoting religion or being hostile towards it, our differences and strong opinions come to the forefront and our ability to get along diminishes.
"I am a Christian who is in love with, and plan to marry an atheist. I think BOTH sides would do well to learn this very valuable word.. Respect. If both sides of the theism/atheism debate would learn to respect the other side's right to disagree and stop trying to force our opinions on one another, the world would be a much more peaceful place to inhabit for all who journey here.
Since when is it ok a crime to be a non-conformist? I believe we all have a right to our own opinions, ideas, thoughts, and yes, beliefs, or lack thereof.
There needs to be more tolerance and respect for differences and less hatred on all sides of this coin. That's a lesson both sides need to learn! "
- Wendy