,,, and had to get herself up!
BIG HUG FOR YOU! I am glad you are okay. You are a strong woman.
So sorry Grace. Everybody loves you, had I looked back at the topic you posted this on I would have expressed my concern.
Mouthy said ...
I went to do my washing & I have a steep hill to climb to get to the car ..I fell!!!
The snow is very slippery!!! I waved to a car for help.It passed .I yelled Help!No one
Then I laid there thinking "Well you want to kick the bucket" so now your gonna freeze
to death( Not in Hell were it is hot> they say)
Boy was I scared!!! Then I said .O.k Lord I'm in trouble I need your help.THEN!!!
my brain said ( look dummy put your cane around the little pole you can see & pull)
SeeI believe that is the Holy Spirit> I know many don't But I did that,,, threw the bags
I was carrying a head! threw my purse!! & dragged myself up!!!Of course praying all the time
I managed to drag myself to the pole & I was able to get up,Covered in snow,crying,hurting
But I am STILL Here . So when I came back home & found you saying I was a help I want
to say thank you,thank you thank you !!! 3 times again as the WT ordered us to do