Shebly- comment then on a good person who happens to be of the Jewish Faith, that may counter your broadbrush analogy. You will then find that the same spectrum would have existed at the time of the 'Jesus' character of the Gospels. Good, descent, helpful Jews living the 'Golden Rule' everyday, a rule which was laid out long before the 'Jesus' character appears.
I don't doubt that such folk existed then... and I know they exist now, dear designs (again, peace to you!). Two of my co-band members are Jewish guys, who have hearts of gold. One is a Harvard educated attorney in SF; the other a CPA. But I could say the same thing about the WTBTS, though, couldn't I? That there are "decent, helpful" folks "living the Golden Rule everyday" there, too? Again, though, your example was that there were Jews attending readings in my Lord's day in the flesh, which I totally concede, but state, again, that such "activity" doesn't mean one is "good"... any more than going out in field service and regularly attending the WT Study does.
And keep in mind, some of those Jews who regularly attended those readings ultimately got the sense of what my Lord was teaching; however, not always quickly or easily, or without effort... or repeated reminders.
We should go through the 'friend of Jesus, Lazarus scene', sometime to show how the Gospels leave some blantant holes in its attempts at Judaism.
I absolutely don't doubt that the gospels do. They're not inspired... and it's not like the hypocritical scribes ceased their "works" by the time those writings got into the Bible canon... or even for some time after. Indeed, a look at the plethora of modern Bible versions will attest to that, even today.
I understand your loyalty to Judaism, dear designs, or at least your issues with the Bible's portrayal of it. I take no issue with true Judaism, absolutely none. Indeed, my Lord was a Jew in the flesh... and adhered to every degree to that form of worship. To take issue with it in its true form, then, would be to take issue with him. How can that be? Because of him, I know what is meant when it says "salvation is through the Jews."
Which is why I direct my threads, when I do, TO the Household of God... Israel... and those who go with. Because even if such a one is a christian, meaning chosen by means of an anointing with holy spirit, that one is also, then, "Israel" and perhaps even a Jew. I am such a one. So, I have no issue with true Judaism. I just know that I don't have to live by it... as the Law that defines and directs Jews was fulfilled FOR me, by One, Christ. So that I am freed from it. Now, by means of a NEW Law, I can fulfill my obligation under the old one simply by loving God... with my whole heart, soul, mind, and strength, loving my neighbor (and therefore my brother, a stranger, even an enemy) as myself... and by kissing the Son who set me free.
I hope that explains, dear designs. And I would be most happy to go through the Lazarus "scene," if you desire, but it's truly not necessary as I agree there are "holes."
Again, I bid you peace!
A slave of Christ,