"You just need more deep Bible study"

by sabastious 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious

    I was told this a while back by my mother in law. She feels that all my troubles (and doubts about the organization) can eventually be conquered by "more deep Bible study."

    I have come to the conclusion that to be a die hard Witness you really have to have a good amount of suggestibility in your personality. (also a high ego could replace suggestibility, but that is another topic).

    If you are one quick to believe an unbelievable thing you observe you should be a Witness. That religion feeds off of gullible people. I would venture to guess that my mother in law really thinks that my "troubles with the truth" directly stem from my lack of "deep study."

    It's so simple! If I would have just studied more deeply I would find the answer! I would find my faith in the Organization and be able to "wait on Jehovah" without getting ansy. Of course if I made an attempt at that and "failed" then I MUST have done something wrong.

    From her perspective, I am living proof that she is right. Because she doesn't feel I have done much "deep study of the Bible" and now I am out of the truth.


    Proof right in front of her! They said it would happen and LOOK! It did! Right on schedule too.

    Sorry for the rant.


  • pirata

    Sab, your mother-in-law may have forgotten that Deep spiritual truths are only revealed to responsible representatives in Brooklyn headquarters... We learned that this year in the Watchtower.

  • sabastious
    Sab, your mother-in-law may have forgotten that Deep spiritual truths are only revealed to responsible representatives in Brooklyn headquarters... We learned that this year in the Watchtower.

    Exactly, and choosing not to read those would be just foolish.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    What JWs (family and otherwise) are programmed to believe is that those of us who leave are not studying enough. But the reality is that we tend to study MORE and DEEPER than your rank and file Dubs EVER do.

  • sabastious
    What JWs (family and otherwise) are programmed to believe is that those of us who leave are not studying enough. But the reality is that we tend to study MORE and DEEPER than your rank and file Dubs EVER do.

    This is an interesting debate, I have had it with my mother in law.

    She thinks she is studying more because the Witnesses do have mountains of information to sift through, which definitely gives the appearence of deep study.

    The counter argument is that she is only using one source and that is the Watchtower Society.

    Her counter argument would be that she has proven that the WTS is God's organization so they are the only true source.

    The counter to that would be how can you know it is the true source if you have not checked all sources with equal vigor?

    Her counter would be that all you have to do is prove one to be true and the rest don't matter.

    Yeah, it goes on and on and on and on and on.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    But you CAN'T prove one true without comparison to the others.

    You're arguing with a cult personality, not a genuine person. It is only when the genuine person is ready to think rationally that you'll get anywhere.

    Good luck. In-laws are bad enough but JW in-laws are a total nightmare.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan
    Her counter would be that all you have to do is prove one to be true and the rest don't matter.

    Au contraire, mon cheri!

    If you DISPROVE one the rest shouldn't matter...but I know who you are dealing with

  • sabastious
    But you CAN'T prove one true without comparison to the others.

    Yes you can, wih revelation. All Witneses have their "story" of how the Truth was proved to them, it's some logic and mostly an emotional experience.


  • jwfacts

    It is interesting that a JW cannot accept a person that knows the truth does not believe it. As you say, it is either:

    1. you did not do enough study
    2. you are trying to justify your sinful desires

    Part of the reason I created my site was for my family to know that I had studied and did know what I was talking about when I claimed it was wrong. It did not help, because then they label you an apostate.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Sabastious It is like you have recorded my conversations with my husband when you wrote this.

    (She thinks she is studying more because the Witnesses do have mountains of information to sift through, which definitely gives the appearence of deep study.

    The counter argument is that she is only using one source and that is the Watchtower Society.

    Her counter argument would be that she has proven that the WTS is God's organization so they are the only true source.

    The counter to that would be how can you know it is the true source if you have not checked all sources with equal vigor?

    Her counter would be that all you have to do is prove one to be true and the rest don't matter.

    Yeah, it goes on and on and on and on and on.)

    It truly makes your head spin to talk to a true JW and they think or at least say they are making perfect sense your thinking is the one that is skewed. jwfacts your right no matter what you say that proves a good point they just flip it and say you are an apostate or have been reading apostate things even if it is only showing them their own older WT and Awakes.

    It is truly crazy making at its finest.



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