a woman from the KH i attended, much younger then,
went to suriname for a year to serve .... had to raise
her own funds... came back and continued pioneering...
she's one i'd like to see get out
by jambon1 25 Replies latest jw friends
a woman from the KH i attended, much younger then,
went to suriname for a year to serve .... had to raise
her own funds... came back and continued pioneering...
she's one i'd like to see get out
My brother in law went to the Dominic Republic as a need greater....it was said that the local congregation they went to "serve" would say, listen, you came here to preach, not SURF where the need was greater.
Insinuating that people would go there and start enjoying their paradise a little early ;)
I know of a family from New Zealand who served for many years in South America (Uruguay I believe), ill health caused them to return, they reurned broken & dejected, not one of them is still in the JWS
A brother who visited South America was telling me about the "need greaters" and said that there was even a special meeting for the "need greaters" there. It seems to be some type of witness slang as I've never seen it in the publications.
For crying out loud!
My cousin is going on a "need greater" adventure. I saw this term on facebook and had to do a search and found this from three years ago. I also searched the term on bing http://www.bing.com/search?q=need+greaters
Has the Organization completely stopped sending missionaries?
This is a win/win for them. I know a few who are doing this in other lands. The Watchtower has no liability and no expense. They have to love this.
needgreaters exploiting exploiting amazon natives on youtube ... i wonder if they could wear their traditional clothing to a convention
A "need greater" is a dub who has moved to serve where the need is greater (hence the derivation of the term). True story: the very first time I heard the expression was in private conversation with a brother. At the time I thought I heard "knee grater" and that the brother was cynically referring to uptight, authoritarian brothers in positions of responsibility - brothers who drive you like a slave, have you figuratively on your knees scrubbing the floor thus causing your knees to be grated.
One of, if not the, most obnoxious contrivatives (if that's a word) that I have ever heard.
I would have thought the need is greater in Muslim countrys , why aren`t jehovahs witnesses lining up to go their ?
surely since Jesus Christ has been ruling in the heavens since 1914 , now over 100 years , he`s had ample time to soften the hearts of muslim extremists to let jehovahs witnesses do what he commanded them to do 2000 years ago , and that is preach and make disciples in the whole world .
who's need? the
'need of the mover' or the
need of the place he has moved to?
need of the mover: a title. or position he can expect among the less advanced witnesses where he is going, but can not attain at home; or
the need to escape a stifling climate in the home congregation.