I think it was a cringe worthy experience, speaking as a male. My mother did it, pleased that she was getting the rituals correct. Some vague notion of respect. After I was Baptized and went out in service it was very easy to note that the sisters were by far the backbone of conversions.
In my post 'Confessions of a Wayward Pioneer' (freeminds.com has it up if anyone wants to take a look) I describe, all to briefly, that there were more qualified sisters then me....... (a young wet behind the ears pioneer) in the congregation I served in.
As far as my wife went she never covered her head that was one of her deal breakers. I just made sure she was never put in that situation.
'Paul, who was a man of his times, accepted uncritically the patriarchal attitude that women were clearly inferior' (Spong).
There was nothing inspired of god about that concept. Of course during the hundreds of years that followed everyone who had a hand in bible writing and translations continued to support that idea and it is suspected by critical historians that some may have embellished it.