has anyone else seen this email? I thought I would pass it along...
Dear friends,
We are saddened to inform you that we learned early this morning at Morning Worship, that Brother John E. Barr, the oldest living member of the Governing Body finished his earthly course this past Saturday. Brother Barr, (known to his friends as "Jack") will be affectionately remembered for his kind and grandfatherly way, his gentle demeanor, and tender compassion. He was born in Scotland, England, and served at the London Bethel and in the traveling work in the early forties, and was transferred to Brooklyn Bethel in the 70's to become a member of the Governing Body. His wife, Mildred, also one of the Lord's own, finished her earthly course in 2004. He was known, not only for his paternal manner, but also for his keen mind and ability to crisply communicate important spiritual truths in a captivating way. In the final weeks before his death, when his health had deteriorated somewhat, he must have sensed that the end of his life was drawing near. He wrote a very touching letter of appreciation to those working under him in the Writing Department and Writing Prepress, conveyed to us by two other members of the Governing Body who went to visit him in during his sickness.
His passing in a way signifies a generational shift with regard to the Governing Body. Brother Barr was the last living member of the Governing Body directly associated with events taking place early in the ' Lord's Day ." (Revelation 1:10) Other members of the Governing Body now serving generally constitute an 'overlapping generation' of Christ's brothers. As with the passing of theocratic responsibilities from Moses to Joshua or from Elijah to Elisha, we fully anticipate the undeterrred and unabated forward movement and acceleration of theocratic developments in these final moments of the Last Days, even as the system of things is very observably in its death throes.
While there is no doubt that those of us who knew and dearly loved Brother Barr, as one 'so like the Lord' in his manner, we rejoice with him in his attainment to increased responsibilities. We are completely confident that 'his works go right with him.' (Revelation 14:13).