I was at a 2 day circuit assembly this weekend and I was surprised at how many times mention was made directly or indirectly reminding those in attendance (1,600) of the need to give $$$. Even in the soliloquies or skits they seemed to work in the need to give $$$.
It made me wonder if the Society is having 'cash flow' problems and hence is desparate for cash. Over the years that I've attended conventions and assemblies the need to give $$$ has been subtle (IMO), til now.
Just how blatant did it get?
I've noticed in recent assemblies and conventions that they started to inform the friends that they could now give $$$ using debit/credit cards. And I started to see small card tables to one side where you could donate. This time was different! Way different!
I walked into the lobby. In addition to the usual cardboard donation boxes, I saw two tables (twice the size of card tables) about 30' apart. These tables were not backed up to wall, out of the way like I'd seen at previous visits. No, they were smack dab in the middle of the lobby and on top of each table was a sign in bold print that read 'DEBIT/CREDIT CARD DONATIONS'. One table had a brother with a portable card swipping machine at the ready and the other table had 2 sisters each with their own card swipping machine at the ready. It immediately reminded me of Jesus' reference to the money changers that he wound up throwing out of the temple. My wife & I were really taken back by this!
I've read in past WT publications where the society boosts that they ' will never beg nor petition men for support' (The Silver Is Mine, The Gold I s Mine 11/1/07 W pg 17 par 3). This comes damn near close to begging!
I've read numerous posts on this forum where many anticipate the WBTS going mainstream. Well, I'm convince that they are going mainstream in terms of how they intend to generate revenue. Is the passing of the 'collection plate' next?
My overall opinion of the assembly.....on a scale of 1 to 10. A disappointing 3! Will share some notes on other posts.
Thank you.
P.S. Was wondering if any of you who have attended recent assemblies/conventions have noticed the same thing regarding $$$$.