Where did you sit in the KH?

by Evidently Apostate 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • reds

    I sat in the mid section, next to last row, the end seat, so that I could make a quick exit.

  • clearpoison

    Usually 3rd row from back either left or center, depending on how many seats was needed with family. Yes I've seen own chairs (comfortable ones) in meetings too.


  • BluesBrother

    Wherever my wife wanted to sit....... I was not bothered. It was true though that you always knew that certain seats "belonged" to certain ones and you just never sat there. Do not be too hard on those who

    Shiftless ones and those who wanted sympathy for thier back ailments would stand in the back during the talks.

    Ever had a sister in your hall bring in their own chair and footstool?

    Kingdom Hall chairs can be hell for 2 hours for some people...I used to applaud those who made an effort despite back pain

  • WTWizard

    I used to sit about a third of the way back, and as far to one side as I could get. Too far back, they assumed you had spiritual issues. Too far front, or in the center, you were in sight of Brother Hounder and if you weren't attentive, he would come after you to hound you about it.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Before I was married and with my mother -

    • centre because it had enough room for her and 4 kids and near back because there was always somebody that had to be taken downstairs
    • or on right side of hall with two kids in the row in front of her so she could smack them if they started to fall alseep

    After I was married -

    • center on left side about 5 rows back or
    • near my mother where ever she was when my husband was handling the mikes
    • left 3 rows back when he became an elder
    • left 6 rows back after I started to learn sign language so we could watch the interpreting

    Last time I went to that hall - as close to the door as I could get for a very quick getaway (dfed)

  • Newborn

    How can sitting in front row be a sign of that you're more spiritual???

    I moved around so I guess I was a "good" witness...

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton


  • factfinder

    @Amelia Ashton- I sat alone too. No relatives or friends there.

  • flipper

    Towards the end- i'd try to sit in or near the back row so I could fall asleep without much notice since I worked nights. But sometimes I'd fall asleep and drop my Bible on the floor and it would wake me up. Sister old fart would look at me from down the row like I had committed the unforgiveable sin. I'd just wink at her and go back to sleep

  • 3Mozzies

    Near the back so I could get up few times & go to the toilet. I would use my phone to go online or play a game. Good old Bejeweled, it kept me sane. The meetings were so bloody boring!!! Why did I wait 30 years to get out?


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