My father in law passed away today. He was not a witness, but as he got to be more and more house bound, he would attend sunday meetings with my husband or my brother in law. Tomorrow, a "brother" is buying the family dinner, Im not welcome. Even though my father in law was not a jw, and out of 11 kids , only my husband and brother in law are. I have heard a witness will be doing the memorial too. The gall of these people. I don't want to push the issue because this isn't about me, I just cant get over the nerve of these people.
I'm upset
by littlebird 34 Replies latest jw friends
I'm sorry about your fil, Littlebird, and also about the dinner.
Aw sad for you Little Bird...its so cruel the way they impose themselves and then have exclusion rights against loved ones ...isnt going to be a nice time for you ...but important thing now is look after yourself and dont let them get you down...hugs.
Loz x
life is to short
I am so sorry, it is so hurtful and not the time for it. My thoughts are with you.
They just seemed to look for any opportunity to spread their propoganda, Im sure thats the only reason they would agree to do a memorial. I just hope I make the right decisions in the next few days, go ,d ont go, etc.
My Struggle
I absolutely hate the JW style of memorializing a person, rather lack there of. They too often use a persons death as a platform to teach JW doctrine. I have been to some that there was little to no mention to the persons life outside the WT, often not remember the person but rather the beliefs that shaped their life.
I sincerely hope the person giving the memorial will remember the person that you knew and not the religion.
Sorry to hear that, littlebird.
Hang in there. You will be fine.
Much love
They are so shameless that they will take over and exploit the situation while most caring people will do as you do and think about others and take a back seat.
The sad thing is that they care nothing for the people or relatives, just an opportunity to preach their crap and maybe take advantage of a few people at a low point in their lives.
Broken Promises
So your husband is ok with going to a family dinner to which you're not invited?
just n from bethel
yeah - what BP said. Man if my wife was not a JW and in your shoes (I assume DFd) and I (if I was still a JW) told her she shouldn't come to a family memorial dinner - she'd tell me to go f@#$ myself.
unbelievable. Would the deceased approve?