This tactic will probably bite them in the arse...
I personally know a couple of marginal Witnesses, who after hearing the "if you're not actively witnessing, you're not a real Witness" blurb at an assembly finally said to themselves - 'Alrighty then, if I'm not a real Witness, might as well quit the whole charade'... That was it for them as far as witnessing at all, attending meetings, the whole nine yards...
Are they trying to weed out the slackers? It's going to be a real tough slog, because it seems to me the majority of 'Witnesses' today are slackers; the message is stale and even the 'urgency' seems manufactured. Indeed, the beatings will continue until morale improves...
This was the SPECIAL TALK? Gawd, what's special about this??? I think implosion is not far off...