For any and all persons who may have been associated with Jehovah's Witnesses in the past (or currently), you have probably read, or heard information about the origin of the name "Jehovah." As explained by Witnesses, and even other religious groups, the name Jehovah is merely the Anglicized (or, English-language) version of the so-called "divine name." The thinking is that in the original Hebrew language, the "divine name" was originally represented by these four English consonants: JHVH; some persons think that it might have been YHVH. But, which ever four consonants it is, those four letters are commonly referred to as the "Tetragrammaton." And, the Hebrew language didn't have what we today call "vowels". So, the three vowels, "e", "o", and "a" were inserted into the Tetragrammaton's consonant letters, to form the name "Jehovah", in the English language.
But, I've been thinking about something recently. Why were those 3 vowels chosen, to be inserted into the JHVH? And, why in that particular order or sequence? Who decided that? Couldn't the order of the vowels have been e,a, & o? If that had been decided upon, then the Anglicized version of the "divine name" would have been "Jehavoh." And, we would have the Jehavoh's Witnesses today! Or, the order or sequence of the vowels could have been a,e, & o, and it would have been "Jahevoh." And, we would have the Jahevoh's Witnesses. Or, if the sequence of the vowels had been a, o, & e, it would appear as Jahoveh, and we would have Jahoveh's Witnesses calling at residences today. If the order of the vowels had been o, a, & e, we would have "Johaveh", and the Johaveh's Witnesses. And, of course, last, but not least, if the sequence of the vowels had been decided to be o, e, & a, we would have "Johevah", and the Johevah's Witnesses would be in existence all these years. You probably see my point.
Anyway, just who did decide upon those 3 particular vowels, "a" "e" and "o"? (What about the vowels "i", "u", and "y"?) And, who decided what the sequence of those 3 vowels should be, when inserted into the consonants of the Tetragrammaton? I suppose that, really, any sequence of the vowels would have worked just as well, don't you think?
Or, maybe, just maybe, thousands of years ago, Yahweh decided, pre-determined, if you will, that when and if a so-called "English" language came into existence, that the "divine name" would be written out in that particular sequence of the letters? Nah, couldn't be, could it.......?