In my experience these guys are so imbedded & conditioned by the WTBTS and have so much to lose that they just can't begin to "think outside the box" as it were. They also have very highly attuned "apostate radar". I asked a similar WTBTS "lifer" some of the same questions and the "answer" was always - "Where did you hear about that? Have you been reading apostate websites?" No effort or interest whatsoever in answering , explaining or discussing. Don't waste your time - enjoy their visit. Most of all - look and act happy. All apostates are supposedly bitter , twisted & unhappy souls - it really throws them when they see you happy & content.
Parents are coming to town (straight from a 3 day stay in bethel) Do you have any questions for them?
by cyberjesus 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
"I'm really confused about the new understanding on blood & blood fractions....can you explain the Biblical reason that accepting a transfusion of the fraction of blood called a 'platelet' is exactly equivalent to taking a transfusion of whole blood, while accepting a transfusion of some other larger heavier fraction is perfectly fine?"
"Can you explain, in medical terms, the difference between 'hemoglobin' (permitted) and a red blood cell (not permitted)?" When they answer "no", say "Well, look what I found in my research..." (and then produce something showing that the difference between hemoglobin and a RBC is a cell membrane...period. "Why is accepting hemoglobin surrounded by a cell membrane a sin worthy of eternal destruction, while accepting hemoglobin without a cell membrane is 100% okey-dokey?"
"While we're on the topic, why is a transfusion of white blood cells equivalent to 'eating blood', when breast milk contains millions of white blood cells? If white blood cells are considered 'blood', isn't the mother feeding blood to her baby?"
Ask these questions "in all sincerity" are just really confused, it doesn't make sense, surely your parents have thought this through since they are (evidently) in complete agreement with it...
Just be happy, joyful. It confuses them. Some hate it.
Just be happy, joyful. It confuses them. Some hate it.
If they are not ready to challenge their beliefs they will not respond to anything you say. tread carefully friend, remember the main purpose of their visit.
I would avoid talking about anything WT-related, and just try to enjoy some quality time with family. It's highly unlikely that they are "ready" to exit. As such, no progress can be made, at this time. They are likely still very raw over your exit, as it is entirely incomprehensible to them.
As you live, grow and enjoy life, they will come to terms that you have made an informed, serious and permanent decision.
What is their definition of 'soon' and 'imminently'?
Forget the WBT$ unless they bring it up..
Enjoy your family..
...............(The Dog is at the Groomers getting Polished)...OUTLAW