Another thing my JW friend says to me when I question the WT is, "what would their motivation be? They're so humble and no-one gets paid except a basic living allowance for the workers at Bethel. They're not like those other rotten 'ministries' whose leaders get paid a lot of money, etc."
I know the WT is a nonprofit. So, here is what I want to know: why does the org bother to perpetuate itself? Who might be getting paid from this? I have a few ideas, and was wondering what others have to say about it. Here are my ideas:
1. The GB members, although they can't be too ostentatious because they need to look "spiritual" and fulfill an idealistic notion of humility, are set for life and don't have to worry like most other people do about making a living. I could see why this would motivate them to be careful not to rock the boat for fear of being kicked out and losing their living support.
2. Lawyers? How do the lawyers get paid?
3. Real estate middlemen?
4. What about the actual president Don Adams and other people involved in the administration? Is anyone taking a salary from this nonprofit?
Any other ideas? I'm having a hard time believing this is all just for "love of neighbor" mainly because they don't seem to be interested in truly educating people. They seem more interested in getting people into their organization which I assume would maintain donations, etc. but if it's a nonprofit, who benefits? Why bother?