I've made the eye laser operation and I can highly recommend it!

by Newborn 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Newborn

    Good to hear everyone!!!!! Thanks

    Whereami, the effect is permanent but everyone will still need reading glasses when they come to that age. This can't be operated.

    Very few persons needs to go back for a tune up. My eye sight is almost perfect!

    My operation cost was 35.000 Swedish krona approx. 5000 USD. But there are cheaper techniques but it's dependant on which suits your eyes.

    Hope it helps and I hope you'll do it!! It's such a releif!!! and time saving in mornings and evenings and less hasle.

    Good luck!


  • Butterflyleia85

    Awesome I was thinking about having laser eye surgery. But the thought of someone cutting my eye eeek... and this guy from my old hall had his done and had problems and it kinda scared me but that's when laser eye was new. I think it's more common now and days and can avoid problems... so maybe some day I will.

  • cantleave

    Butterfly, with me I experinced a great deal of pain for a hours - nugget was great at applying the anaesthetic eye drops. The actual procedure is OK, even though the sucky thing on your eyeball is wierd.

  • Butterflyleia85

    I was watching it done, I remember, back when Newlywedds was on with Jessica Simsons and she had it done.... One episode was about her lazer eye surgery... eek it was grows... they use these things to force open your eye. Your awake the whole time... sounds like that would be the painful part. ...Even seeing all of that I think it would be worth it if I didn't have to worry about my glasses or contacts ever again!

  • Newborn

    If I could do it - everyone can

  • FlyingHighNow

    My vision is blurry at each distance. I wear progressives with three distances and no lines. I'd love to be able to see without glasses. Now I have to wear them when I drive, my license says so.

  • Newborn

    Dear Flyinghigh, I live in Sweden and the cost was $5000

  • watersprout

    Thats awesome Newborn! Congrats on your ''new'' eyes!

    I have severe astigmatism in both eyes and severe myopia! I have worn glassses since i was 7 and needed them from the age of 5...I am terrified of anything near my eyes! It took me 4 hours to put my first contact lense in! I hate having an optician look in my eyes, it makes me want to throw up! I would love to have laser surgery but i have not got the guts!

    Oh well maybe one day!

  • misguided

    Best $2500 dollars I spent in my life. I hate having anthing done with my eyes, too; but with enough Ativan I was able to make it through the procedure, which was really quick. I did have pain for about 2 days (had the PRK where they remove the lense, then let it grow back and heal.) I had my right eye fully done for distance, and my left eye only 1/2 corrected, so that I don't need to wear glasses to see close up - you know, that old-people's vision problem. Love it!

  • Snoozy

    They had a news man on TV that had it done. Whenever I see him on TV now I remember it because he squints since having it done af few years ago..makes me nervous to watch him so I watch another news channel..

    I never had to wear glasses but as I have aged I do need them for reading..

    So is it true that they can't operate on the "Old people thing"?


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