They have been claiming the end was at hand--since 1874! Is it really kindness to expect people to give up comforts for an event that is going to be 130 or more years in the future?
I saw one family that cut way back on secular work during the 1990s to make room for pio-sneering. All 2 children and both parents are regular pio-sneers, and were since the mid 1990s. They can boast about having done the right thing all they want. But, in another 10 or so years when the parents reach retirement age and don't have a damn penny to retire on, they are going to regret it. Besides, the children have to live with the parents in order to make this work--despite that they are actually going on 30! And, what happens if the parents develop health problems? My guess is that the children (now adults) are going to have to work double time to pay for it, while still pio-sneering ("You never cut back on Jehovah"). Eventually, that is going to drive them into an early grave.
And now they are urging everyone to cut way back on secular work to pio-sneer. And materialism? Take a flashlight, for instance. I saw them ranging in price from $1.99 to as much as $150 (and more for military grade flashlights). I bought a few, ranging in price from $30 to $150. These perform much better than the $1.99 versions, will be more reliable in the event that Osama Obama manages to create his fake energy crisis, are much brighter, are adjustable, and are more economical with battery usage than the cheaper versions. This is true with so many material things--I am just now getting used to the concept that things can actually last 20 years, not just a few months. Materialism it may be, but it is actually cheaper to pay the money upfront and get premium quality than it is to get cheap crap only to have it break every month or two.
Not to mention, hyperinflation. Osama Obama, his DUMP-o-CRAPs, the Rothschilds, and the Morgans (and the others running the banking industry) all want to steal from us. Every time they print money, it devalues the money you already have. Pretty soon, it is going to show up as hyperinflation. Prices doubling every day is not impossible. I paid maybe double or triple per unit for good stuff what the witlesses pay per unit for crap. But, if we get hyperinflation, their replacement for the crap they got is going to cost more than triple the original price--and they still get crap. Meanwhile, my good stuff is still going strong, not needing replacement until the currency is totally destroyed and replaced (silver, anyone?). Thus, my "materialism" is actually going to save me money in the long run. Which is money I won't have to spend when the dollar tanks.
And no, I don't believe we will be in the New Order by then. It has been 136 years since the first crack at Armageddon, and nothing happened. If nothing happened for 136 years, what in hell makes me think something will happen now?