GrandMaJones said: "No, the government and/or political party can't be rightous, but they can be well intentioned. They can even be well intentioned and wrong. It's an opinion. You have a basic outlook, that in principle, you agree with. At best, that's all it can be, I think."
Substitute "Governing Body" :
"No, the government and/or political party Governing Body can't be rightous, but they can be well intentioned. They can even be well intentioned and wrong. It's an opinion. You have a basic outlook, that in principle, you agree with. At best, that's all it can be, I think."
People leaving a Cult seem to need someone to tell them how to think. Especially seems so with Progressive Liberals. They want and seem to need someone, anyone, to tell them "It's allright. It's OK. We're here for you. We will take care of you. All you have to do is put your trust in US. That is the U.S. Government. We'll tell you how to eat. What sausage to cook. What toy to play with. What seat belt to wear. What vitamin levels are OK."
See how that works? Progressively more and more Government intrusion and they just suck it up. They ask for more Big Government. Because, just like the Governing Body telling us we couldn't wear skirts or have oral sex, the U.S. Government really does know how to live our lives better than we do. Don't they?
Just like they begged for the New System to come and wipe out humanity. All so they could pet a Lion and be perfect. In the New System.
Change is Good.