If you are celebrating Christmas and have perhaps moved and they do not know you. What would you do if they called, would you invite them in?
What would you do if witnesses called on you on Christmas day?
by RosePetal 29 Replies latest jw friends
I would invite them in for a drink, alcoholic or tea/coffee etc. and nibbles.
Hoping for an interesting discussion/argument to ensue!
BUT I know they won't come near me; because they know I know they lie (big time).
I like your Idea of giving them an alcoholic drink, this would relax them. Maybe easier to get some points across and get them thinking, etc.
I bet you would like to have tried it fokyc, thats a shame.
Bungi Bill
I couldn't tell you what I will say to them, should they call here next Saturday:
- as it is guaranteed to be unprintable!
four candles
I can remember being daft enough to go out xmas day..............never again!!! I refused to go after the abuse and threats I got. But,if there is anyone daft enough to call at my door that day,then they will get treatd with respect and a plain 'no thank you' will ensue.
I still don't do xmas,really don't like it!!!
I was always taken out on Christmas day when I was a child and hated it, seeing other children playing with their presents. That is a cruel thing to do. The people on the doors often told who ever was with me [sometimes it was a sister from the cong. sometimes it was my mother] how cruel we were and said how sorry they were for me was for me.
Even though I hated being brought up a witness as a child I still thought it was true but when I had my own child I would not go out Christmas day or expect my child to. I remembered how horrible it was. I always made sure that she had presents in december so that she could tell her friends at school.
I was thinking of buying a couple of gifts for children and wrapping them up and putting them under the tree, if a witness calls with a child invite them in and offer the gift.
I just feel sorry for the children. What do you think?
I went out on Chrissy day when I was about 14 years old, worked on my own as usual, and it was amazing how many people took the mags, and offered me a drink, sherry etc.
As I was already a beer drinker, I did not refuse, ended up half-pissed.
I think all those pagan celebrants started me on the road to serious drinking, best thing anybody ever did for me (said with a nod to W.C Fields).
I decided it was rude to go out and interrupt peoples special time, so never went again.
I have always liked the Christmas period ever since though, even more so now we are free !
If they called on me as per the first post, I would invite them in, offer drink etc.and just reason with them on what it really means to be a Christian maybe.
I would not be too confrontational on such a day,as the poor benighted souls that do that work on the 25th need to be shown the love and patience that Jesus showed, after all they are the "sick and afflicted" in a spiritual way.
LOL Mr Wobble that was so funny, at least you had a good time, and yes you are so right we should show them love and patience, that is good advice that it would be a good time to reason on what it really means to be a Christian in a loving way. It would not be loving to antagonise or get into arguments.
I love the Christmas celebration now it means more to me now we are free, everyone is happier and nicer, all my neighbours have sent me Christmas cards and wished me a merry Christmas. I noticed when visiting shops people are very willing to give to charities.
It is sad that I don't have happy warm memories of Christmas as a child. My hubby does because he was not a born in, and is enjoying remembering his experiences without feeling guilty. I enjoy him telling me about them.
Lets hope some JW's have as good a time as you did if they have to trudge out on a cold and frosty Christmas day.
I would offer them cookies and something hot to drink (nonalcoholic) and moment to come in and talk and eat. I had several people do that when I was a kid.
There is NO way anyone would call on me ...Even though I moved several times they know where I live.
I have some living 2 doors down...They Know I was one.Because I gave their Landlord my card for JW or ExJWS
But yes I was stupid enough to go out on Christmas day...UGH!!!But if they SHOULD come,Boy would they get
a welcome ,hugs kisses etc