It seems like the January 15th WT and the March 15 WT are about Satan attacking us. Maybe it is because I am seeing things more clearly or maybe they are truly using it more. In the March 15th WT there is a really creepy picture of Satan using people like a puppet. They are really getting into the fact that the world hates us a quote from the Jan 15th WT on page 30 says "the world is basically hostile toward us."
I used to believe that when I believed it was the "truth." Then I started asking people I work with, and worldly people I have made as friends and no one hated us. Every so called worldly person I have asked even the dreaded Catholic's have said they did not hate us. Most of them said they did not know what we believed but just that we bugged them Saturday mornings when they were trying to sleep in or do things as a family. Some were upset at how rude JW's are at the door, how JW's will not take no for an answer. But not one person I asked said they hated us. Some were blown away that we are taught that. I have even showed some the WT's saying that and it has made them upset to read it.
On the last two pages of the Jan 15th WT is an article titled "Dwell on what Jehovah has done for you." It is trying to sham the JW's for being upset about the system not ending. For us finally realizing we have wasted our lives for a lie. One quote "Some of us who have faithfully been serving Jehovah for decades thought that the "great tribulation" would have come and gone by now. It is understandable that for the moment, such an unfulfilled expectation may cause sadness." It goes on to say 'we need to not concentrate on what Jehovah has not yet done. Rather, dwell on what he has already done. How today God's servants are accomplishing the greatest Christian works ever. Over seven million individuals look forward to surviving the great tribulation. How Jehovah has made it possible for honesthearted ones to move out of the wicked world, figuratively speaking, and into the spiritual paradise that he has created. How Jehovah has given us such wonderful food from the FS.'
You get the jest. So this spiritual paradise is this the one that so many here on this board have enjoyed? All the stories of elderly parents not getting any visits from their so called "friends when they need help because the friends are too busy going out in service?" The lack of caring, of helping their fellow believer is unreal in the JW world. What spiritual paradise. Like the paranoid schizophrenic brother in my hall who attacked the children on Halloween, everyone in my hall now has run from him and blames him. There is no love or understanding for him, just anger at him for not taking his meds. No one was there to see that he took his meds. Oh I could go on and on.
But at least we all know now from these WT that it is truly Satan that is causing this. Satan is after us.