New Watchtower Subliminal image just uploaded

by artcritic 25 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • artcritic

    This picture was taken from the official JW site. Just uploaded this one. Its new and unseen

    spam link removed

  • _Morpheus
  • _Morpheus
    I apologize, i dont mean to be rude. I just dont see what it is you are trying to show in this picture.
  • Finkelstein

    There are no subliminal messages or images in WTS. literature .

    just bad artistry and bad printing.

    These assertions are made by speculative theorists to demean the religion as it exists.

    There are better and more factual ways to expose the fraudulence of this religion.

  • nicolaou
    Why are you pre-vetting comments on your site?
  • Xanthippe
    I think artcritic is giving ex-JWs a bad name. Anyone doubting the WTS and taking a quick look on here in search of help will assume we are all crazy and run back into the cult. Which would be an extremely sad state of affairs.
  • Finkelstein

    The JWS and their calling on people's doors with their attracting pieces of literature,

    has shown to attract the naive and gullible, as well the mentally off balanced.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    I do not see what you are looking at. If you read up on subliminal images you will understand that the human mind tries to find order in random images i.e. the human face on Mars. Like someone else mentioned here it is also due to bad Watchtower artistry. These are the things that Dubs look at and think we ex dubs are all a bunch of wacko's.
  • cofty

    I have seen a few examples that are very compelling.

    This wasn't one of them.

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub

    I really can't see anything. Whoever runs that site is deluded.

    Is this an actual picture, though? If so, why does that man have a rock as a head?

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