I saw the "apostates" outside a number of Assembly grounds, I was always discouraged from talking to them by my parents, and later by my wife, I was of a mind to talk to them, thinking the same way as a poster above "If we have the truth, what have we to fear ?"
I think a lot of the early ones were members of another christian sect by then, and as Wizard said,queered their pitch by spouting the catch phrases about being born again etc. that our minds were conditioned to reject.
It is a shame that those early efforts and some later ones, were not correctly geared to deal with mind-controlled Dubs like I was.
We cannot blame the ones who tried, they were trying to share what they had learned about the WT, our minds were pre-programmed to reject their approaches.
Thanks for trying guys and gals, whoever you were, you had my best interests at heart !
I think a discussion forum such as this is so good for JW's to be directed to the facts by people who, in the main, do not want to get you to follow their way, but find your own path free from WT control.