Ever notice how Jehovah creates all these desires and needs for humans and angels, and then makes them go without?
If humans were only created as male and female to procreate, then why were men programmed to be polygamous and anxious to bed any attractive female (in the case of hetero males), or men and boys (in the case of homosexuals) that they might come across? Why were women given a clitoris?
In Genesis, the first human couple was told "to go out and multiply and fill the earth." Last time I checked, that can only be accomplished with sexual contact. And yet from Biblical times (and especially during the Christian era) sex has been portrayed as a sin, only to be engaged in on rare occasions between heterosexual married couples in order to provide male heirs and soldiers. Notice that the sons of Adam are all named, but not one of his many daughters is ever identified?
Supposedly God programmed us to have raging hormones between the ages of 15 and 35, and yet we are all told that use of sexual connections and masturbation to relieve those urges is somehow sinful.
The Watchtower's graphic descriptions of "beautiful angelic creatures" - which are always white northern European looking males - often include features that would indicate high levels of testosterone (muscles, beards, etc.) and usually with birdlike wings. Right. Uh huh. That makes total sense to me.
Let's face it, the Watchtower has just taken Christendom's concepts of God, Jesus, and other heavenly creatures and adapted them for their own uses. My guess is that if angels really exist, they would be ethereal and holographic creatures, with no particular sex or form to them.
The real Jesus, being a Middle Eastern Hebrew who often fasted and traveled throughout the countryside on foot, would most likely have had a darker complexion, an untrimmed beard and long unstyled hair, and would probably have worn dark clothes to hide the dirt. For years, the Watchtower showed Jesus as a closely shaved, beardless, European male dressed in all white garments - while his followers tended to look more typical for the place and time they were living in.
But back to sex: Let's face it...the Watchtower is just like every other religion in that it alone wants to define what its followers may or may not do behind closed doors with the opposite sex. Russell, Rutherford, Fred Franz, Knorr, and most of the original Bethel Boys were all confused sexually or horrible husbands and fathers. They were the ones who told the rest of us how to manage our personal and family lives - all the time being either clueless or criminally hypocritical about sex and human relationships.