new blood cards not used

by Dogpatch 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    I know this was probably posted before, but it seems to answer the question as to why the new blood cards were not used:

    This came from AJWRB:

    Recently Jehovah's Witnesses learned that there would be no pocket
    size advance directives (blood cards) issued this year and naturally,
    this has created some speculation as to the reason.

    If you are carrying or possess the most recent "released" version of
    the card which was published in March 1999, you will find it
    interesting to note that a new version was in fact prepared for this
    year and published in June 2001. The cards were shipped to some
    congregations and probably a few were actually distributed to members
    who were baptized over the summer and fall in congregations that ran
    out of the older version.

    About a month ago, congregations were informed not to distribute
    these new cards, but rather destroy them. The difference is one line
    where the older March - 1999 card states "I direct that no blood
    transfusion (whole blood, red cells, white cells, platelets or blood
    plasma) be given to me...," the June - 2001 version reads "I direct
    that no allogeneic blood transfusion (whole blood, red cells, white
    cells, platelets or blood plasma) be given to me..." So the
    difference in the cards is the use of the word allogeneic in the June
    2001 version.

    The word "allogeneic" refers to intraspecies genetic variations.
    Therefore, an "allogeneic" transfusion is one derived from the blood
    of a different person. The implication here is clear. The Watchtower
    Society stood at the threshold of permitting autologous whole blood
    transfusions and for some reason, presently unknown, suddenly shifted
    and stepped back.

    It seems evident there is a great struggle within the WTS leadership
    as to how best deal with the WTS disastrous policy on blood. Any who
    are still convinced that the WTS stands solidly behind this policy
    and are prepared to die defending the policy (or even worse - permit
    their children to die) have cause to soberly reflect on their support.

    In our view, this may be one of those situations where the governing
    body voted to permit Jehovah's Witnesses to use their own blood and
    put the wheels in motion to change the policy - only to have one
    member of the body change their mind at the last second and call for
    a re-vote.

    We believe that the WTS blood policy will change again and change
    dramatically from a historical perspective - the question is when.
    The foundation necessary for the change is in place. Even now
    Jehovah's Witnesses who write for permission to withdraw and store
    their blood for the use of WTS approved blood fractions are told they
    may do so. At present huge quantities of blood are donated by
    non-JWs, stored and processed to provide all of the blood products
    permitted by the Watchtower Society.

    Soon Jehovah's Witnesses will have access to hemoglobin based blood
    substitutes like HemoPure and PolyHeme. The WTS will be inundated
    with tough questions and a whole series of articles will have to
    follow. This will probably lead to further erosion of the
    Watchtower's once firm stand:

    " Is it wrong to sustain life by infusions of blood or plasma or red
    cells or the various blood fractions? Yes!…regardless of whether
    it is whole blood taken from one's own body or that taken from someone
    else, whether it is administrated as a transfusion or an injection,
    the divine law applies…Whether whole or fractional, one's own or
    someone else's, transfused or injected, it is wrong."
    - The Watchtower 09/15/1961 p. 557-559 Emphasis added

    To members of the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses, the
    collective members of AJWRB ask: "If we are permitted to use all of
    these blood products, why do we withhold one of the tiniest -
    platelets - when permitting it would save the lives of so many
    Jehovah's Witness children and adults who are forced to discontinue
    their chemotherapy?"

    Platelets account for only 0.17% of blood volume. If you look at
    blood like a dollar bill, platelets would be less than 1/5 of one
    penny. While a permitted blood product like hemoglobin accounts for
    nearly 15% of blood volume. There is no justification for Watchtower
    leaders to maintain a policy that sends all of these people to an
    early grave. At some point, they must find the courage to right this
    terrible wrong. When they do, AJWRB will have served its purpose but
    until then we will continue our mission of educating other Jehovah's
    Witnesses and the medical community regarding the Watchtower's
    irrational policy on the use of blood.

    Even now work goes ahead on important articles soon to be published
    in American Medical Journals that will inform physicians about these
    discrepancies and what they can do to minimize morbidity and
    mortality within the Jehovah's Witness community.

  • anewperson

    It's worth noting that the WTS may own stock in the Hemopure company.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    My mom gave me a blood card the other day and it is dated 6/01 but printed in Canada. It still has the old information on it.


    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

  • Bodhisattva

    Can any post a scan of the new card with the word "allogeneic" on it? If so, even if you must obscure part of the card to protect your own identity, please post it. Until then critics can claim that they do not exist!

    Now, since I believe these are really out there, and in case they actually get used and the borg allows autologous blood, I suspect they will do so in an obscure way. (This almost goes without saying.) Now, if they imply the allowance by using the word "allogeneic," which means genetically different, as opposed to actually using the word "autologous," which means from the same individual, then there are gaps...

    The blood of identical twins is non-allogeneic!

    Of course "non-allogeneic" can mean two things: Blood that is genetically identical, as one's own (autologous) or that from one's genetic twin. Or, it can mean blood that is not from the same species! This could explain the source of the new wording, since it is easier to argue that Hemopure is kosher because it is not human blood than to argue that hemoglobin, the very essence of blood, does not count as blood. If this is the case, then the focus would move to the Noachin commandment (which most Christians understand to outlaw murder) and the Apostolic decree (which most Christians understand to apply to food). The Mosaic Law references would all be dropped, which makes sense since the whole "pouring out" thing would prevent diagnosis of many diseases, much less pooling of blood to extract allowed fractions. If Noah's family was not told not to murder, will Nimrod be resurrected? This is all speculation, don't count on it too much, but it would be interesting to see how they refocus things if they all - implicitly or explicitly - autologous blood.


  • outnfree


    so others can read this most interesting post!

    Thanks, Randy,


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • Simon

    yes, if anyone has one to scan with any personal info edited out that would be great.

    I'll pass this latest change on to my dad.

  • princecharmant

    I don't have a scanner. I have the card (incidentally given to me last week) in French. I can retake the whole instruction in French. The word "allogenique" is there all right.

    The fight for right is only beginning.


  • ozziepost

    A scanned copy would be good for us here in Oz too. We'd be able to show it around at next month's bbq.


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • avengers

    In a way we can be happy not to receive a blood tranfusion. Can you imagine receiving blood of one of the GB members? You might start acting like one.

  • chasson

    Hi PrinceCharmant,

    In french ?

    Would you mean that this card was still used in french last year ?

    Could you scan it this is for my website..



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