If you are bad this is what happens
by therevealer 22 Replies latest watchtower bible
At least Eve has all that hair and Adam's got some too!
looks like they lived to a ripe old age lucky them.
Is that the sun shining through the water canopy.? And to me they almost look over ripe, but then I'll soon look like that to I spose.
Actually, "Adam" looks like "Job", as I recall from other WT. pics.
Hey, a Hispanic/Latino looking Eve, way to go Art Department!!!!!! We all know most of the new recruits are coming from Spanish-speaking 3rd world lands, so the Art Department has "lovingly" adjusted the understanding of how Eve "possibly" looked by making her look more Latino!!!!! I don't know about the rest of the guys, but as a young teen having to endure a WT Study, I'd be having to hold down my wang just looking at the young Eve!! Oh man, the shear torture of imagining the rest of this young Latino Eve nude would make standing for the closing song a real challenge!!!!
What's next, an Asian looking Adam????? Fuggin disgusting. Also, the older looking Eve looks like a Witch stirring a coldrun. Seriously!!
- Wing Commander
Yes Eve does look witchy. But put yourself in her position as she sits there thinking back on her life. She is thinking: boy have I had it with snakes. First that snake talking in the tree and I like a fool listen. And then that snake of adam's talkin trash. Sometimes I think it was just Adam throwing his voice, but whatever. The end result was stretch marks and one god awful lotta pain gettin that first one out. And adam was just about useless. What am I supposed to do? God didn't tell me this was part of the sex thing. As a matter of fact I don't remember any instruction at all. Just that erection one day. And that wasn't me throwing my voice. I think it was the same as that talking snake in the tree. And it begins, the strained relationship between the sexes.
If they were up on genographic research at all, they would have made Adam and Eve african with dark skin.
@ Dana: What, you didn't hear? Dark-skinned people are decendants of Cain, because in the Bible it states that God "marked" Cain in such a way that all of the other people would know his kind by sight. And languages? That all came about from when God scattered the people at the Tower pf Babel, making them speak all different tongues (dialects).
C'mon, get up on WT / Mormom theology already!!!!
- Wing Commander
@DanaBug - remember the water canopy? No sun, no healthy tans, Only white dudes and dudesses. And the more you look at that pic the more things stand out. Don't they look like they are standing their posing for a photograph.