1975, Freddie Franz and Eve's Menstrual Cycle

by Band on the Run 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I was active back then and terrorized by Armageddon. My basic temperament is introspective. I never felt worthy enough. Somehow just being human seemed to disqualify me. I hated meetings and Witnesess. My school friends were adored. No one I loved would survive Armageddon The illustrations were horrid for children. I spent years flinching. In fact, one day strange weather conditions materialized. My family had disassociated for years. The weather was so freaky I thought Armageddon. A sibling said it outloud. We braced to die and die horribly. Once the weather cleared, we laughed. To this day, I fear it because one never knows. Strange things do happen.

    My father was a Bethelite when it was very small. He knew Freddie Franz. Freddie Franz was respected for his intellect and knowledge. When I was a pre-teen, newly a woman, we attended a convention at Yankee Stadium. Freddie Franz gave the main talk that was doctrinal. I am a lawyer and strive for precision. 1975 was very express. We were told to keep it a secret outside the society. He went through intricate computations. It was hard to follow all the permutations of the numbers. He came to a crucial distinction. His calculations were changed by his computation of Eve's menstrual cycle. According to Freddie, she did not menstruate pre-Eden expulsion. The culture was very different then. I was so embarassed at the mention of menstruation, a feeling that women were dirty, and my personal knowledge at 12 that Eve's menstrual cycle is not in the Bible. I started to slink down in my seat. My hope was that we did not have to discuss this locally or at home.

    I recall that Ray Franz documented all the Armageddon hoaxes. During Russell's time, a miscalculation occurred despite the power of the Holy Spirit. A new date was assigned. A brother calculated the distance from Pittsburgh to NY. A crucial piece was the rr timetable. This brother investigated and found that the choo-choo trains followed a spur so there was a mistake in the timetable. I howled. Growing up in the area, there was nothing sacred or magical about Pittsburgh and NY and definitely not a choo-choo train in NJ, ending in Hoboken or Secauscus.

    Does anyone else fear Armageddon despite nonbelief? Of course, the 1950s were tinged with fears of a nuclear holocaust. The more I realize the governing body knows these dates the more I wonder if they truly believe. Some might. Denial is a powerful force.

  • minimus

    BOTR, I remember that. WOW!

  • miseryloveselders

    His calculations were changed by his computation of Eve's menstrual cycle.

    What?!?!? LOL, OMG LOL.


    Fred Franz was an Insane Geek..


    A Fashion Disastor..



    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • ziddina

    I don't remember that schtick about "Eve's" menstrual cycle, but I've got news for ol' Freddy....

    Menstrual cycles are a part of being a MAMMAL. Almost ALL forms of mammals have a period of fertility, followed by the loss of the uterine lining if no fertilization takes place.

    Female cows, monkeys, cats, dogs, and probably even whales, have some sort of "fertility"cycle, as stated here in Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menstruation

    "Menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining (endometrium). It occurs on a regular basis in reproductive-age females of certain mammal species. Overt menstruation (where there is bleeding from the uterus through the vagina) is found primarily in humans and close evolutionary relatives such as chimpanzees.[1] The females of other placental mammal species have estrous cycles, in which the endometrium is reabsorbed by the animal (covert menstruation) at the end of its reproductive cycle. Many zoologists regard this as different from a "true" menstrual cycle. ..."

    Depending on the physiology of ancient mammals, estrous cycles were probably around during the age of the dinosaurs....

    That ol' "reading the "Awake" magazine is the equivalent of a college education" strikes again!!!!

    What a buncha idjuts!!!

  • miseryloveselders

    That picture is infamous to me. You can look at that picture and see he wasn't playing with a full deck. I mentioned it before, but he reminds of crazy people you see at the bus stop that you've made the mistake of locking eyes with, and you vowed to never make that mistake again.

  • ziddina

    Well, the way I hear it, he ended up talking to his shoes towards the end of his life...

  • Scott77

    Nice historical thread. Thanks


  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    It gets worse and worse, doesn't it?

    - Eve's menstrual cycle.

    - Train timetables between Pittsburg and New York.

    - Russell's calculations, based on the dimensions of the Pyramid of Gizeh.(When events did not quite work out to plan, he had to re-calculate things From that, he concluded that the structure had somehow settled down on its foundations, and was now actually wider than it had once been!).

    The question raises itself once more:

    Who was actually the maddest - these guys for teaching such wierd and wonderful psuedo science, or us for believing it?


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz


    we were all fruitcakes following fruitcakes!

    thank goodness i'm now just a nut!


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