Could you ever go back?

by MrFreeze 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrFreeze

    Not that I'm thinking about it, even for a brief nano-second, but something I have thought about is this, is there any way you could go back and not have people look at you with the stink eye? After admitting your true feelings, how in the world could people ever look at you the same? If you were in the situation of welcoming someone back, would you be able to look past the errors? I don't think you can ever really go back after coming back. Just my two cents.

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    I would go back with a shirt "apostates have feelings too" ehheh I would like the see the look on those faces.

    The last meetings I just couldn't stand it, double standards, lies and demonisation, over and over and over again e.g. other sheep are the 144,000

  • AGuest

    There are a couple/few events in life that would cause me to say, "Oh, ****, no!", dear Mr. F (peace to you!). This would be one of them. Taking a life, on purpose and without some necessary provocation, would be another. Getting back with my ex would be a third - LOLOLOLOL! Everything else is pretty much subject to that whole "never say never" thing.


    A slave of Christ,


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    oh Shelby that cracked me up - toatally and mostly because I could say the exact same thing

  • OnTheWayOut

    If it were a requirement to attend at least one meeting a year to avoid DA/DF, I would go to the one meeting dressed casually. It probably would not be the Memorial, but a C.O. visit. I would raise my hand to comment several times in that meeting so they can avoid calling on me.
    If it were a requirement to avoid being inactives in recruiting, I would turn in a bogus report of one hour every six months, maybe even once every five months to play it safe.

    If more were required, I wouldn't bother.

  • factfinder

    If my dear dead parents were there, or my dear best friend who would never be a witness was there, then I'd go back. But only to be with them.

  • Gregor


    Of course it would require a Biblical scale miracle, say like stopping the sun in place for 24 hours. Then a special announcement covered by the world wide press wherein Jehovah God Almighty would specifically identify the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Brooklyn, NY, Inc. and the Watch Tower Society of PA, Inc etc.... in a deep voice similar to Charlton Hestons in the Ten Commandments. "THIS IS THE TRUTH. DO AS THEY SAY OR YOUR ASS IS MINE"

  • The_Present_Truth

    There is NOTHING that could ever get me to go back - even for one meeting - short of God himself telling me to do so. That said, I doubt I'll ever see the inside of a Kingdom Hall again unless I look back at pictures from the past.

  • Farkel

    :Could you ever go back?

    Sure I could. Just as soon as I see a flock of pigs flying by and God says (so the whole world can hear), "I can make pigs fly. Be a dub or I will KILL you!"



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings, Mr. Freeze:

    After 5 years away I have returned. I need my loved ones and am now in a position to help, if only by some slim chance. Having a beard does not stop one's hand from getting called on, either. I vowed I would never return, but people are my interest, not religion. Something's got to give and it did - me.

    All the best in your own personal quest.


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