I'm so glad I never made it to Bethel
Begging for money at Bethel
by life is to short 64 Replies latest jw friends
Wow Gayle,
what an eye opener, Most of the KH and assembly halls I been too
are very nice, from what I have read on this site, they have some really
nice real estate, and yet bethelites live like that !?!?!?
And just think, the members outside of Bethel are incouraged not
to go to college but get part time jobs to spend more time in FS, your
expected to give give give even though you are barely getting by
all these sacrafices must be made cause your salvation depends on it
the hours on your field service report must be up to par cause your salvation
depends on it, cause what Jesus did was not enough
Bethel had a bad problem with not remembering that Bethelites were VOLUNTEER workers.
We were treated as if we somehow owed them something. I never could wrap my head around that one.
The entire experience was one big help towards realizing what a joke WT really is.
I never gave them a dime. It was bad enough having to pay for air conditioning
and for (!@#$%^%) local telephone calls.....LWT
Working at the WBT$ Bethel Plantation..
life is to short
Wow Gayle you seemed to have the same thoughts I did. I was beyond excited when we were accepted to Bethel. I thought I was going to the house of God. I would do the best job I could and I would finally be able to please Jehovah, because I sucked royal at pioneering everyone hated my presentations and told me I was not doing enough all the time. I tired and tired pioneering to please everyone out in service but I could never do it right.
I thought hey I can at least work hard, every place I worked liked me as a worker so I thought I might suck at door to door but I can work for Jehovah. My overseer hated me, hated how I worked and told me every chance he got that I was a horrible worker. Nothing changed from pioneering.
And I never the whole time I pioneered or when I was at Bethel was able to buy new clothes. Pantyhose were used to there was nothing left of them, cut one leg out if it was bad and save it to use when another pair got bad.
Finding out all of this on the board is making me feel so used and stupid. I thought I was giving to God, I would try not to look to closely at those who had a lot in the "truth" and think that Jehovah would bless me sometime in the future. I kept waiting and waiting and waiting and I never got any blessings.
PS thanks Outlaw it was not quite that bad but you always make me smile. Thanks
Remember some of the IDIOT doctors at Bethel? I would have gone to a "real" doctor, had I had any money. It was a joke.
life is to short
The doctors were beyond horrible leavingwt remember Pinkie Burns. She was so unkind to go to. Oh I hated it if I had to go to her.
Hey Outlaw,
Being a black person living in the U.S. the word "Slave" should have woke me up
no matter how noble they try to make it sound.
The Governing Body are the only living heart donors of whom I am aware.
Cold-blooded, selfish, greedy bastards. The lot of them. They are so rotten, I'd bet the maggots and beetles wouldn't even get near their corpses after they die.
LITS- Interesting thread. Quite an eye opener. I'm glad I never went to Bethel. My older brother did. But I was too independent, liked my freedom. I hated institution life. When I was married to my JW ex- wife years ago ; she would try to guilt me into putting $ 40.00 to $ 50.00 in the contribution box at the end of district conventions. She'd say, " Let's show Jehovah how we appreciate his spiritual food ! " And I'd think to myself " Jesus ! I've spent $ 400.00 this weekend on meals, a hotel room for 3 nights , and gas for the car - don't you think Jehovah thinks that's ENOUGH ??? !!! " Not only that I had 3 small children and was sole provider for the wife & kids. My view was : Screw this. I ain't putting ANY more money in the box