My family was enmeshed with the WTBTS for generations before my birth. I'm certain it has been asked before but I am curious what brings others into the fold? What was the attraction? Were the Witnesses good examples of how Christians should ask? Was a particular teaching convincing? Did some knowledge of historical fact convince you that all their statements were true? I am curious and would like to hear.
What Brought You Into the Witnesses?
by Band on the Run 22 Replies latest jw friends
Being the unlucky winner to being born into it...
The lack of choice associated with being a newborn baby.
We lived in an ex-communist country in Europe where atheism was enforced. After the fall of communism we were thirsting for some faith or religion so we attended different churches. We didn't like the Orthodox church because there was no Bible teaching offered there. And then the JW missionaries knocked on our door. We had 0 Bible knowledge, and they used the Bible. We were impressed. You can imagine the rest.
wha happened?
I was introduced to JW's while in high school. An old girlfriend was studying and she would witness to me. I also had a freidn who was raised a JW but wasn't studying anymore. I would read the Awakes on his coffee table that his parent s would put out.
A few years later I took someone up on a study. We knew each other before he was a JW. I thought it sound good and it appeared to make sense. I went along and was baptized a year later. I was a bit naive and I was settling down from a crazy musician lifestyle and doing some growing up. I guess I confused mature with religious.
I think if I had waited another year I wouldn't have been baptized. And even if I was baptized, had I avoided marraige I would have left. Doubt was starting to settle in but I was already engaged.
What Brought You Into the Witnesses?
BAND ON THE RUN- I had no choice in the matter. I was born into it while still in the womb. My parents joined the witnesses 8 years before I was born. It took me until age 44 to have the courage to finally leave and gain my freedom. And immense happiness since leaving- believe me